Hi. Basically new here and wanted to say hello and much appreciate all the helpful information in PRIUSchat.com Backed up the driveway and as I turned to go forward, I was faced with this down the road...
Hmm, you seem to have some kind of crimson and gold dirt to the right of your license plate. Signed, Bruin
As I did my undergrad at UCLA but my PharmD at USC, I frequently am ribbed by my fellow Trojans about my identifying as a Bruin. I kind of relate it to being loyal to one's "first love." And yeah, my bad about describing the color as crimson. I only see blue and gold colors well. Especially the past few years.
I graduated from UCLA law, and am now practicing in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. every area has it's trying weather, but lack of visibility is probably the worst. Good luck
LA drivers really are hot house plants, aren't they? When it mists.....they call it rain. When there is 1/4 to 1/2 mile visibility (judging from the picture.) They call it fog. When the temp drops into the 40's? They call it cold. Sorry, but you deserve a little razzing! Good Luck getting to work this morning. Drive Reckless.......... (as in fewer wrecks....kinda like paperless or stainless!!)
A few years ago, California's bankruptcy was a source of much derision from my co-workers at the national consulting firm I worked at. That year, Christmas day was around 80 degrees, so I rode my bike to Laguna Beach, took a picture of the bathing-suit-clad volleyball play and sunbathers, and sent it with the caption, "We may be bankrupt, but can you do this on Christmas where you live?"
Be happy you don't live in the central valley. There's almost always a good fog after a Santa Ana condition starts breaking down and allowing the marine moisture to rush back onshore. December-February seem to be the high frequency months for that to happen (rapid change in Temp and RH, colder ocean temps, etc) Go Aztecs!