... off the top of your head, can you guess which vehicles state and local government disproportionately targets, for traffic ticket revenue? Survey says: The most ticketed car in America is… - MarketWatch ... can you guess which cars are most disproportionately owned, by men (e.g., hint: "costly signaling"). The answer will not surprise you: 10 cars almost no women drive - MarketWatch
beemer?.sube? huh, i hardly even see any wry on the road around here.the whole male/female thing makes complete sense to me. women don't have shortcomings to, erm, how can i put this politely? 'compensate for'.
... denoting certain particular vehicles which perennially score high per capita on property damage, conspicuously missing from this list, it would appear government's been cutting Civic SI, 370Z, Camaro and Mustang guys slack. But, 3 of the top 5, Subarus, for some peculiar reason, state, city and county government are singling-out the Subaru people -- asj.
Were you thinking of other recent things in the news when you worded that sentence the way that you did ?? If not, I won't go there........except to say that there IS a good parallel that can be drawn.