The rules for this contest result in far more inaccuracy than the PIP's computers are capable of by using only the ratio display. The gallons used as shown on this display are terribly imprecise and the formula used attempts to correct this by adding 0.5 gallon. I've been observing the ratio display and from my observations it always under reports the fuel used, the under reporting ranges up to a full gallon. Using one of the trip odometers and it's MPG calculation allows a much more precise fuel used estimate. To illustrate the issue I have reset my ratio and trip B at my last fuel up. My current ratio screen shows 53 EV miles, 57HV miles, 12 KW, ZERO gallons while the trip B shows 111 miles @ 135 MPG. using trip B data suggests I've used 0.822 gallons of gas. What the results show is the obvious fact that EV miles are more efficient than HV miles and those who drive slowest get better efficiency. If we included the data from a trip screen which shows average speed and allows much greater gas used accuracy and calculated HV MPG as well the rankings would change dramatically. FWIW using both trip and ratio, my average speed on trip B is 38 mph yet my HV mileage is 69.3MPG and my EV is 126 MPGE with an overall of 89MPGE Even taking the efficiency hit that hilly Kentucky gives I'm really impressed with my PIP!
The only accurate measure of mpg is to measure the fuel put in the tank and the actual distance covered. 500 miles divided by 10 gallons = 50 mpg.
Electricity has nothing to do with mpg. Neither does coasting down a hill, being towed by a tractor or getting out to push. A mile is a well-defined unit of measure, and so is a gallon, but the "e" in "mpge" is whatever you want it to be. That's why I considered it a bastardized term and I don't use it.
Your trip B data is accurate. EV Ratio screen won't show 1 gallon until you reach a gallon or higher. It is incremental in integer only.
This has already been discussed at length on this thread. For simplicity sake, a participant need only to post 1 picture.
Thanks markabele and sorry about getting uppity. I'm still trying to figure out the math behind the EV MPGe, which is why I'm posting the round numbers. I hope that's not cheating to badly. Niccolo Machiavelli I ain't. .
Thanks retired, I attribute a lot of my being able to figure out how to drive ev to the encouragement I got from you and bisco at the beginner of the summer. Way to many others to name who have also provided a lot of encouragement for me here at PC as I learn about the pri...
Realistically, "IF" you drove pulse & glide right at about 30mph/35mph - you may get high 70's mpg per the fuelly web site . . . . AND driving at that same rate of speed - you might get 5 miles per kWh. From there ... you can combine to two. With that calculation, you arrive at what you may get, as an all time high 'score'. The only matter after this - is whether or not you've gone to the painstaking effort to drive at such a horribly slow rate - just so you can say you did it. .
The first order of business after I got the car was to find which L2 chargers were within range. Not many, but several just slightly out of range. A few months later and 1 more available charger and I can make most of them form one or the another direction, but not both ways often, is the case.
That sounds about right - at my best I averaged 6 miles / kWh and the average speed came to 23 mph. But I wasn't trying to "drive at such a horribly slow rate" - all local roads, school zone and such... Wrecked it all with thruway trips to the airport
This is my first fill up. Not sure if I made Top 20. Unfortunately I can't charge at work. If someone could go over Mark's math formula for me I'd appreciate it. I calculated 163 MPGe for EV and 52.54 MPG for HV (8.66 gallons). About a week after I got the car I reset the trip that had the total miles driven on accident, so I do not have the MPG reading on HSI for this tank. Total miles on tank 1139. 682 miles EV + 455 HV = 1137 miles (missing 2 miles for this tank).
I think someone could do a lot better than that at 30/35mph. A gen II Prius would top out at ~110mpg from 30-40mpg, and IME the Pip is way more efficient. 110 MPG in a Prius - GreenHybrid - Hybrid Cars