Keywhiz, it's the CONS number portion of the display for both Trip A and Trip B. Be advised though that this number is generally on the high side. I've done 30 fill-ups since early July and it's varied from 1.6% to 9.9% with no rhyme or reason to explain the differences. I always fill to the first shutoff to try to minimize pump speed as a variable as much as possible. Many of us compute our actual mileage based on distance and actual gallons pumped. EDIT: Use the DISP button on the right side of the steering wheel to cycle the display.
Yeah it's split now - the iFCD is beside the speedo with the Avg FE displayed in the Trip Odometer and then Consumption Screen on its own (with 1 min and 5 min options). You also have a DTE readout with the Gen 3.
You have to be on another screen other than the Energy Monitor (that screen will only show the Trip A/B distance; all other screens will show the full information across the bottom of the 5" MID).
I drive an Accord 05 sedan 4 cyl also and best tank has been 29 MPG, more like 23 or so for short trips. Just got 57.3 MPG this tank commuting in Prius. Can you say double MPGs? ten times, fast ...
When you press 'TRIP' button to show A for example, don't you see accumulated miles, CONS xxx MPG and average MPH? CONS is your avg MPG at least in the 2010 / 11 models
It depends on which display he has showing. If he has the Energy display showing, he only gets a single item. He can cycle through each one using the TRIP button or he can simply cycle the display screen itself to one that shows all 3 items at the same time. Not sure why Toyota didn't display all 3 items regardless of which screen is being shown.
No MPG on the gen3 display? foreign stuff...we almost rented a Gen3 last week but they said it was in the shop getting the TPS worked and on they never called us back....we were stuck with an Altima for a week. I would think for those Nevada/CA trips, directionally the Neveda gaso should be higher MPG compared to the CA RFG.
I think I got it now. I'll check the read out when the wife gets home tonight. I must have had it on Energy display. (Although I thought I checked the other displays, but I probably just missed it when I filed through them.) Thanks!
Yep. Got better gas mileage going TO the coast than coming back. Probably gonna happen whenever you start out at 4,800 ft!
Even on the other displays, there is a setting where all it shows is the odometer, so you might have checked the others and didn't notice. Just cycle through with the TRIP button until you get to the Trip A line with fields for mileage, CONS and mph. There is also a Trip B that shows these same 3 fields. The TRIP button cycles through Odometer, Trip A, Trip B, Miles To Next Fuel and blank.
I think I've seen less than a dozen with Nevada plates in the few times I've been to Las Vegas since purchasing mine in 2010. And I've driven around the Las Vegas area, not just on the Strip or downtown. Of course, comparing Reno to Las Vegas is like comparing San Francisco to Los Angeles. We're talking apples and oranges. Mike
Having lived in both places, I'd have guessed more Prius' in Vegas than Reno, but I haven't lived there for a quite a while.
When I'm in the energy mode, I only get the Trip A or Trip B mileage. When I go to other modes, I see the mileage on the left and the $$ spent on the right and the middle is empty. Which is where the MPG is supposed to display, right?
Ah ha!! That makes sense now.. I personally keep mine on savings, as coming from a car that got 15-17mpg I really enjoy seeing the savings add up.
I've owned Volvo's since 1981 and my Prius was a radical change to say the least. I tell everyone my Prius, 44.7K miles on the clock, is the best car I have ever owned. It may not come close to the luxury or ride of a Volvo but it is the cheapest car to own between fuel mileage and minimal factory recommended maintenance. If you want more information of fuel mileage and needed gauges get yourself a Scan Gauge you'll never regret it. Set on trip it resets every day so you can monitor your fuel economy progress daily. ScanGauge - Trip Computer + Digitial Gauges + ScanTools
It's my wife's car, really. We bought it so she could save money on the 75 mile round trip commute she makes 4-5 days a week, but we've kept her Nissan Frontier 4x4 for snow days. Since it's likely to get nearly 3x the MPG of the Frontier, it should be a good buy. Plus she also wanted a 4 door hatchback for groceries and kids. But she's not as obsessed about squeezing every last MPG out of it or keeping track of it all as I would probably be if I drove it. I just want to know where all the gauges are during the few times that I will be driving it. Neither of us have every driven anything close to "luxury" cars before, so we're fine with the rougher ride, although I think she really misses lumbar support. I prefer driving my RAV4 for smoother ride and comfort. So for long trips it's going to be a toss up---save money on gas? Or get a bit more comfort and fun?
this is a feature called trip computer.. some priuses have this feature.. so the each trip detail can be seen without resetting A or B trips. btw; i got my prius abt a month ago and its a Gen 3 Pearl-white 2010 Dec Domestic Model [I'm from Sri Lanka] it has sunroof and solar panels. more than the functions i liked the looks. around here there are many prius [probably more than japan in density] for me upgrade from suzuki swift manual to Prius is a huge difference. I still like the thrill of cruising the swift since its manual. but for prius there is lot of respect in the road than swift. but i have a ground clearance concern; this is only when i park at home but no where else i drove so far. so i'm considering to increase the ground clearance in using one of below methods 1. coil spring spacers at the end of the spring 2. coil spring spacers in between spring coils can anyone tell me would this affect fuel economy, safety, ride comfort ...etc Thanks for help