Okay, so last week I take The Prius in for it's free 15000 mile Toyota Care service. I had been receiving troublesome post cards with "Jan" on them reminding me to be sure to schedule the appointment and keep up with my maintenance. Even though the 15000 mile service appears to me to mostly just be a tire rotation. But anyway, I schedule the appointment and take the vehicle in. While waiting...and waiting..."way too long" IMO.... A dealership representative comes into the service waiting area and calls my name. Holding a piece of paper he then tells me that he got an "Alert" concerning my vehicle. For a few moments my adrenaline pumps and I'm worried. Is this an alert about a recall? Does my vehicle need some unforeseen major maintenance? The "representative" goes on to explain that the alert is because the dealership is so hard pressed to find used Prius....in as great a shape as mine. So he get's "alerted" to ask me if I might be interested in having them "Buy Back My Prius". PLEASE. First of all...BS. With gas prices momentarily consider low, I don't really think Prius demand is all that high. I don't think any major dealership is scrambling to find used Prius. Secondly, I'm there to have maintenance done. NOT to buy or sell a car. If I'm interested in trading in my Prius? I'll tell them. I don't appreciate being solicited for a car deal, when I have a practically new car, that I'm having serviced. When I told them I wasn't interested.....the rep...did back off. Maybe he sensed my displeasure? Again for the service I was having done, I waited way too long. And "Shazam"...while I was waiting another gentleman who happened to own a Toyota Tacoma...also got hit up about "selling back" his Tacoma...strangely also supposedly in huge demand....he declined as well. Is this common practice? I can tell you, my personal opinion is dealerships do themselves NO good in applying this sales tactic. And IMO that is all it really is.... From a purely service standpoint, this dealership, up to this point has been fine. I had some problems with the dealership I purchased the vehicle from, and so this is my second dealership. I'd hate to have to try to find a 3rd...but this tactic really left a sour taste in my mouth. I think I'll forgive and forget. But was just wondering if this is a new trend? If so? I really don't like it. I think the decision to "Trade In" or purchase a new car has to genesis with the owner..or potential buyer. I really don't like being in the "Service" department and being hit up by "Sales".
I doubt if that is common practice. My dealer has yet to approach me with that pitch. I'll be glad to sell mine back to him if he should ask but it will be at my price, not his.
It's very common practice. It's been going on with mail flyers for a long time. Letters that tell you you have some magical golden egg car that nobody can find and they put a number on the paper of close to full used price and say they will match and beat that price when you trade it in for a new car. Fine print says that the car must be immaculate for that, I doubt anyone gets that price. Dealerships make money in lots of ways. All of them involve screwing over the customer. Low value trade-ins. High cost sales. High financing rate. Add-ons that nobody wants but can't be removed. Lying about needed service. All that stuff. Rule of thumb is that you don't believe or do anything they say. I am dreading my Leaf visit. I just got the in-car service notification, done over the network informing me of the dealer and everything where to go and schedule my 1-year battery checkup. Has to be done for warranty purposes, but I hate going into dealerships...
I hate going into dealerships as well. There is good reason to hate it. Nothing good awaits us there. I checked my cabin filter after I recently went in for the free 5,000 mile service. The mechanic who checked it put it back upside down. It is clearly marked UP⬆️. Free is not always good. I think DIY is better.
I used to get postcards from the local Subaru dealer that they were desperately searching for 15-year old Outbacks like ours
Never been hassled by the service department. Have received the occasional phone call, emails, and notice. I told my original salesman that I was really enjoying not having a car payment, than you very much. Maybe the service department reports on condition or the car is too old now because I haven't seen any in a while and have less than 30k on an 09 new purchase. The only one that really bothered me was from Steve Taylor Kia wishing me a happy birthday and encouraging me to trade in my 2010 Prius. It bothered me tremendously to have my birthday and car owner information in the mail on a flyer. I try to keep my personal information private.
Maybe we should all write the owner of the dealer and explain were not stupid and don't want to be talked to that way. The will buy it back at a high price minus 30 to 60 cents a mile, so mine they say 18 grand for a almost 6 year old prius. Then you take say 50 cents per mile off I would owe them 40 grand. We should let the owners know if this happens again we will take our business elsewhere. Why can't they talk to us like were not stupid. Like here are your keys back, and if your in the market for new car just let us know and we will get you some help right away, and have a nice day.
I just bought a used 2nd generation Prius and had the factory recall work done to it - the next day I got that same email ... I just got this car no way I am looking to trade it in
I've received letters like this every since I started buying cars, most often long after I've sold or traded the car in. The in-person-during-a-service-visit version is new to me but salespeople are all about selling so it's probably seen as a go-getter move.
When I sold cars, over ten years ago, we would do similar things. Though the details escape me, you could close a sale 5-10% of the time.
Dealerships are all full of horse poopie. Anything that comes out of their mouth is horse poopie. My local dealership seems to employ gang bangers for their service advisers.
Last week I brought my Prius in for its 15K service & when I checked out and went outside there was a large tag hanging from the mirror and business card saying they want to buy my Prius so I could buy a new one. I didn't spend any extra time than I should have. iPad ?
This must be some dealership management system's "program". We got the exact same sticky note, also from "Jan".
They'd like my car if I brought it in. 1700 miles and not even a stone chip, never seen winter and never driven in the rain Mike Wanderin around on my phone...