Much better if the Prius had a built-in battery-tender for the 12V aux battery, activated when the EVSE was connected. But oh, that would save batteries and reduce service appointments, wouldn't it? Can't have that. Black mark against Toyota. And while you're at it Toyota (if ever), How about the EVSE providing electric interior heat (like the Leaf) and maybe a block heater too? Smartly designed of course, not to draw too much current simultaneously.
If that is true it is NOT a good idea. The batteries will still self-discharge at a very slow rate and eventually go dead. Connecting a small automatic charger to each one once a month or so is a much better idea. And you won't have to reset things like your radio station presets either.
The Prius Plug-in test vehicles had that but it's was quite complicated. You could use the Remote A/C button to turn on the heater or air conditioning while it was plugged in. It was removed for the production version.
Yep - not only did the test mule look good charging in our garage - on those early 40 degree mornings it felt nice and comfortable climbing into it to go to work. .
It's a pity, but I have a hard time buying that it's "too complicated." I'm no engineer, but I could probably wire a toaster element into the fan housing and integrate it with the charging circuit and climate control. Besides, other manufacturers don't seem to have had a problem with it.
Well we'll never know the true reason. It could be cost such that Toyota couldn't meet their targeted MSRP, it could be that the supplier can't meet production standards, it could be it added weight past the EPA's weight threshold of classification. All we can do is ask and hopefully Toyota can find a way to do it that isn't cost-prohibitive and still have a competitive vehicle.