Kind of working off of what cycledrum says, Oh sure, always looking for a reason to pick on us faggots arent you?? Btw, no matter if we drove the Prius, the Volt, or the Pinto - we make everything we touch automatically cool I just happen to have been born gay, and know a small crowd of other gays. Im the only one in a Prius. Heck, my friend Jeremy is in construction and drives an F250, and hes a big ol' flamer. I happen to be "undetectable" until I tell somebody I have a same-sex partner of 17 years. They just assume Im a straight guy hipster driving a Prius. Little do they know..... I still deal with the Prius bashing, not as much anymore though. People have come to accept that I love my car and theres no ridicule they can give to change my mind. OH, and several friends and family, after they actually drive my Prius, usually diminishes any negative thoughts about it. The MFD always gets 'em. They think its the coolest thing. Oh, and stealth mode.
I remember when I was that young my dad gave me and my brother a 1971 toyota carolla, manual transmission. And when I smoked the clutch I had to pay half to fix. That was a lot of caddying at the golf course.
I'm 22 and have had my prius since I was 17 years old. Needless to say, my friends like it the most. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's my pride and joy and as cool as it gets.
Prius is Cool. It's just that some people don't know it. The aero design and technology used in the running gear is pretty amazing. The engineering involved is way cool. Reliable, economical. Cool? Totally.
I purchased my Prius when I was 20, and I get mixed reactions. Ive gotten a few compliments, and some of my friends/family think its lame. The girl I'm dating now really likes it and wants to get one for her next car. The truth is that I don't care what other people think. I drive about 25,000 miles per year and I have been able to save a good amount money driving this car both on fuel and maintenance. There are A few places where is Prius is cool though, Silverlake, CA and Whole foods parking lots come to mind.
I think the Prius (current gen) looks like a sport car. It's got such cool aerodynamic styling that I just like looking at it standing still. Swoosh. I really do think the early Toyota marketing, and especially the cartoon-like videos, Earth-hugging themes did much to affect public opinion about the car - in a negative way. And clearly, Toyota isn't using those commercials anymore.
I have heard that bragged about too. "if you go around crushing cars I bet your insurance must be really high" Crappy acceleration, gas guzzling, and high insurance all bundled into a single truck, ouch.
On various forums, I see that bragging often. sigh. Whatever floats their boat. 0 to 60 in 10.2 seconds with a stock factory vehicle. In the 70s, that would have been unheard of. I still think it is impressive.
My teenage sister seems to love it. I also was a big fan when I was in my teens (I'm 24 now and just bought one... seems I never fell out of love). I drove the world's ugliest car (a bright red Pontiac Aztek) during my high school and college years because that's what my parents had, and maybe I did make jokes about it, but I was grateful and loved the car nonetheless. My friends enjoyed being able to spot me coming from a mile away. I can imagine that some of my sister's male peers would be less than thrilled with the Prius... but only because it's not "manly" enough. Saving money is for wimps!
After about the second or third or fourth 2.7 second launch zero to 60, will it still be the same thrill? If it's a track toy, that 100,000 dollar plus GT-R might be a fun investment, but on everyday crowded roads? Not thinking so. Insurance, tires, fuel for a GT-R all would be used in pretty big quantities. Track toy, yes. Everyday ride. Nope. I'll take the Prius. Way less hassle and probably more comfortable as a daily driver. Cheap to insure, tires last a while, our friendly Troopers totally ignore it, and fuel at 8 to 9 gallons a shot every 420 to 460 miles isn't much. Our Prius stickered around $32,000 (not what I paid). If that GT-R happened to be the NISMO variant at $149,000 a pop, yikes! If you could use the 2.7 second acceleration runs to strengthen weak neck muscles, then maybe it would be worth it, plus you then might be able to write it off as a physical therapy tool!
I was on the subject of acceleration & 0-60mph in 2.7 seconds is VERY impressive. I am about a second slower in my weekend car so I have not had the pleasure to experience it just yet . Like many other GTR owners, he has quite a few cars, including a black Lamborghini Murcielago so gas mileage is obviously the last thing on his mind, unlike us peasants! lol.
2.7 is FAST. I've had regular access to a car that did it in 4.2 and that was way too fast for me lol, I've just seen your signature, it might have been a C63 I was refering to
Agree that 2.7 second 0-60 mph blast is impressive, especially when you consider that the GT-R is a 3,800 plus pound bounder of a car. Get it down in size and weight, get rid of the two back seats, including all the non driving related bling that it's loaded up with and it could truly end up as a great car to own and drive on a road course. It's not so much the cost or economy of the car involved, as it might be it's execution. I have no doubt that in it's current form there will be many buyers for a GT-R. Helps to keep the ol' economy churning along.
If the next Prius really is going to a double wishbone rear suspension and is supposed to be nicer to drive, hopefully Toyota comes up with another Prius GT concept like it did for the Gen 2 Here's a link to a PriusChat thread with the details if you're interested: Prius GT (2004) | PriusChat