Cool, a good driver in an underpowered car can do wonders. Being older I remember the glory days of European rallying. A driver named Erik Carlsson drove a 750cc SAAB to many wins beating out much more powerful Citroens, Mercedes, Porches, Fords etc. Never underestimate a Prius C
I am impressed! And I have coupe questions: What was you mas speed @Track? Did you measure MPG during the track run? What was your overall impression about PC handling the track? btw, that's what I do time to time on a real roads - playing the game "Prius C" = fastest car on the road.
i was actually there yesterday with my Prius as well... dragging instead. unfortunately i dialed in my time too slow.. and actually broke out during the drags that i was participating in... weather got cooler and i ended up going 0.048 sec faster than i ever thought i would be able to make... so... heh.. fastest 1/4 mile time was 17.952 sec @ 75.85 MPH but i lost because i broke out.. dialed in at 18.00 sec.. i was running 18.02-somethings all afternoon.. why i dialed in at 18.00 everyone there was surprised... so was i... didn't think i was gonna break 18... damn.. should've dialed in at 17.9 like i was thinking.. i still wanna drive the entire track in my car though.