I am having the same problems in the UK needing to press "post reply" at least twice before the post is loaded. It has been like this for about 4 weeks. I am running Windows 7 and Chrome. John (Britprius)
Spoke too soon, posting still stalling. Man it's been a while..., does anyone doing the maintenance even read this forum??
apparently not. pm should have worked though. it's so strange how this came out of the blue, unless someone was doing something behind the scenes.
I'm also noticing weird behavior when posting reply, let's say that I'm typing into a second line like this, and then oh I want to go back and highlight something in the first line and copy it then go back to typing on the second line... all of a sudden, the cursor will vanish and nothing that I type thereafter shows in the reply box until I hit Post Reply, so I can never see what I type because it doesn't show up in the box. I'm on a mac with safari
Well, haven't rattled the bars in a while. Posting issue continues, unabated. I'm a little disillusioned, doesn't seem to be anyone at the helm...
It's doing my nut in Sometimes it works but most times it posts on the second attempt after 20 seconds. Grrr. Edit: Though this post worked first time
I am having problems editing a post with a mini iPad --cannot get back to correct errors. Frustrating.
It is a bit buggy. At least it's not double posting but I've noticed I had to click Post Reply more than once for time to time. Edit: Apparently not for this post lol.
I cannot edit any response I attempt to post. I cannot post any images from mt iPad mini. Right after the "use existing" menu choice, an abort occurs and I am chucked out of the system entirely. So I effectively cannot participate in Priuschat anymore. The persistent software bugs can affect membership and participation negatively.