I noticed since day one that my 2014 PiP radio is more static than my 2006 Prius. I also noticed that when I started moving in ev only, the radio volume level would drop. Well, I never really through about it why till I got LED headlights. Now, the static is worst due to RF interference from the LED. So, it looks like there were more interference due to the ev electrical system. With the LED headlight, it made it worst. I have put a choke on the leads of the headlight, but it does nothing. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone else observer the same thing in there PiP with the radio? Thanks!
I agree...I have a 2014 PIP Advanced with a technology package and have notice none of the issues that you surface. I suspect that something is amiss somewhere...filtering out radio noise can be a PITA. I didn't think that LED's generated a lot of noise (at least not compared to HID lamps) but document your findings carefully, take to the dealer and say "Here is a list of items for warranty repair". Let us know what you (they) find.
It's actually not the LED that cause the interference, but the driver of the LED. Smaller LED don't usually need a driver such as those in small flash lights. Brighter LEDs such as those use in house hold replacement and in car headlight, they can cause interference if not filtered correctly. The LEDs I received appear to be made in China and did not meet the RF filtering requirements of the US or any other country for that matter. So additional information, I have no issues with XM and I don't listen to AM. AM should have the same issue as FM from what I have read, but have not confirmed with testing.
My 2004's radio had progressively worsening AM interference. I'm not sure how bad it is today, but I'm guessing my son uses AM about 0% of the time. The advice to return to the dealer is correct. Could be a grounding issue or antenna wiring/connection. My '14 PiP's AM radio is stellar.
If you installed the LED headlamps yourself, don't mention it to the dealer, or they won't repair the problem at all. Just show them the way it under-performs ordinarily. If you can, park your car as close as possible to a new Plug-in Prius on the lot, tune both to the same station, and compare. If you can hear a clear difference, especially on several channels, bring the tech out to hear it himself. This is a really huge help to them, and it will save you a lot of time as well. If all the PiP tuners sound the same as yours, they won't be able to repair anything. They'll just tell you, "Ok, it's not the best tuner there is, but that's how it works."
I done a little playing around with the radio this weekend. It seems that if I turn off "HD Radio" the volume drop goes away. However, the static (without headlight on) is about the same for weaker station. I don't think the dealer will do anything about it. I will have to try to trouble shoot this myself for now. Also, the LED headlight is one of those Plug-n-Play direct replacement bulb from ebay. The light is good and bright but doesn't blink others like some of the HID. I can't said is better, just brighter on the white side (6000k). I kind of like the more yellowish of the original H11 bulb, which seems to give me more contrast and the signs seem to reflect that light better. Anyone have the directions to taking out the radio on a 2014 PiP? Thank you, Mon
There's a long sticky thread about Gen III radio/speaker replacement in the Audio & Electronics area: 2010 Toyota Prius model II Head Unit Upgrade | PriusChat This covers the Model II Prius, but it's generally the same for a Plug-in Prius. However, the radio in a Model II is just a basic AM/FM/CD... a fairly simple replacement. The PiP's radio is highly integrated, so you'll lose a lot of functionality if you replace the radio. But I suppose you can remove it and add an amplifier or attach a different antenna, something like that.