I got into an accident yesterday. I was rear ended pretty hard by a truck. His truck wasn't drivable. My car looked totaled to me, but i dont know too much about cars, so i wanted others opinions. It looks like the frame is bent, but im not even sure if thats part of the frame lol. Cant open the back, obviously. car seems to be tilted to the right a little bit as well.
major bummer! looks like your just on the verge, depends on the estimator. one things for sure, it will never be the same. make sure the insurance company gives you the devalued resale difference.
I wouldn't imagine that it would be totalled considering it's a 2012 newer style, but it's more than a bumper and hatch. Your boot/trunk floor is buckled and that can be an expensive job, but should be still doable assuming US insurers use similar matrices to here. Just make sure you use a good shop and perhaps have the HV battery checked as sometimes they are reported to be damaged internally after hard rear end shunts. But you can never tell if significant hidden damage has been done. Has the exhaust system been bent or buckled? Has the engine moved? I've seen worse damage that's been repaired so you should be OK. Added: Just seen the buckle in the rear panel over the rear wheel near the rear passenger door. I'd take your CD's and personal belongings out of that car. It'll probably be off to the scrap yard in the sky.
if they don't total it, the insurance company will pay for repairs. but when you go to sell/trade it, they'll say 'oh, it's been in an accident' and they'll knock a few thousand off the price. the insurance company should compensate you for that now.
Sorry you got your Prius smashed in Santa Cruz. I also got Toyota smashed in Santa Cruz decades ago near Chestnut St from UCSC. Anyway, I had a similar rear-ender recently, but to a lesser degree. Your crash will not be an inexpensive fix as it looks like gate, bumper , frame, fenders, lights etc are damaged. This is not including the unseen stuff. My accident for just a rear bumper (900.00), some minor frame damage, lid repair came out to 3K+. I hope the insurance company recognizes that the guy rear-ended you and doesn't raise your insurance premiums.
What's to stop someone from doing this to get a discount on their new car? Hit the rear, which won't affect the car in any way. get it repaired to new condition again and getting a $4000 diminished value check