Hey Guys, I have an 06 Prius that I got needing a transmission. I picked up a used transmission from the junkyard, and I started working on it today, but I am having a problem. The big orange cables that go from the inverter to the transaxle have been cut. So I need to swap over my good cables (from the bad transmission) over to the new transmission. I need to know how the cables are removed/installed from the transaxle side. They don't seem to want to pull out...any help guys? Thanks.
If you remove the cable terminal access cover, you should see the three cables bolted to terminals within the transaxle.
That's what I figured but I was hoping that they just locked into place some how and I would not need to take the covers off. The cable that goes into the transaxle closer to the fire wall does not appear to have an easy access point (like the cable closer to the radiator). Do I need to take off the whole trasaxle plate closest to the front left wheel well?
I haven't needed to do this so I can't say exactly what needs to be done. However since you have the replacement transaxle available, I suggest you figure out what is required to remove the cut cables from it. Then do the same on the transaxle which is installed in your vehicle.
If you remove transaxle as manual states cable is removed from converter inverter side. Converter inverter is removed completely before removing transaxle. So when old transaxle is out you can switch wires from it to the new transaxle.
hahaha,okay thanks, I'll report back I know man, I already did that. The problem that I ran into is that the transaxle I got from the junk yard had cut cables on it, so I need to figure out how to get the cables off of the old transaxle so I can reuse them.
Now I understand your problem so its mg2 wires that have been cut. Yes you need to take transaxle end plate of just to get to bolts that connect wires to mg2. Why did they cut those…
Yep, and you are right, they are behind that main plate on the rear of the transmission. It was a huge pain to get everything pulled apart then put back together. If the junk yard would have just taken one more minute to unbolt the inverter cover to remove the cables it would have saved me hours of frustrating work. I took a few pictures, I'll post them when I have a chance to host them. I did not ask they already had the trans pulled when I showed up. They should really unbolt them though.