I drove through all 50 states, and lived longterm in 8 of them, but none stopped me for "going too slow". Then I come to California and it happens twice in mere months. The first time made sense (min. speed is 45 on I15), but this second time is illogical. Perhaps the CHP just wanted a closer look at Mercedes' hydrogen car. Anyway, this is the speed limit for the right lane, where all the trucks and caravans are running, including me:
They didn't pull you over for doing 55 TH. There is no law on the books prohibiting one from driving 55. If you're going to be a troll at least be a truthful troll. More than likely the ticket was impeding traffic.
Stop driving slow. The 55MPH limit is not the minimum speed limit for passenger cars. The sign clearly meant for vehicles towing trailers and trucks. By trucks they mean semis not pickups. If you're wanna drive slow, tailgate a semi.
Reality check: The OP easily could have linked us the location to Google Maps, but then that would require credibility. Just like the "wet rag" thread. PC has lots of members - some drive fast - some drive slow - many live or frequent California. Anyone wonder why no one else has discussed being pulled over for going too slow? In the Dallas area, I was pulled over once just before Thanksgiving for going 55 slowly accelerating to the PSL of 60 by a trigger-happy deputy - nothing happened. This is once in nine years of hypermiling. Isn't that like asking for honor among thiefs?
No he didn't give me a ticket. Yes he said, "I clocked you at 13 under the speed limit." (My speedometer said 55, so it was only 10 under, but his radar was likely erroneous.) The maximum speed limit is the MAXIMUM you can drive. You do not have to drive that fast if you do not want to. I don't know how to link a "location". What on earth are you talking about?
^ anyone seriously believe Troy Heagy does not know how to use Google Maps to identify his pullovers?
Your (and everyone else's) speedometer reads 2-3 mph high per U.N. convention, so you can discount the "erroneous radar" argument.
Open letter to PC If I didn't know better, this would seem like an intentional joke. Captain Obvious instructions: Go to Google Maps (or MapBlast, etc.) Enter I 5 and the intersection or mile marker...you know where the pullover happened if you are posting on it? That's it - a map of where it happened complete with a link to copy/send. {inside the mind of a troller} Oh $h!t - they can look at Google Streets and the view will not match my little piece of fiction! Troy Heagy, linking the location of this and a previous pullover you mentioned is EASY with your internet knowledge - impossible you don't know how to do this. If - IF you are truthful this will be an effortless act to establish some credibility so we have enough facts your story can't be changed down the line. It's that simple: If you are honest you will provide the link - dodge this and you are shouting "I'm a troller" louder than myself or anyone else can. BTW: The Mercedes FCV pictures and email are too easy to fake.