Hello and welcome to my blabbering modded posting of my 2013 c3. traded in my 06 frontier and 04 prius for a new 2013 prius c3 in march of 2014. drove it for 10k miles before I put a roof rack on it then when I hit 14k my wife let me get 4 cans of black plasti dip and I went to town. she should've never let me do that cause once I painted the car, I put 4300k hid, a fire extinguisher on the passenger side(2 car fires, of friends, due to collisions, in the past 3 months), 55w fog lights, and I am trying to convince her to let me do the exhaust, to a center port. Plans for the car are in order, -exhaust $60 -tint $200 -sound system $300 -leather seat covers $60-300 -auxiliary tank of 4 gallons. $free, her cousin works at a fabrication shop he just hasn't gotten around to doing it yet. -Cargo trunk insert(to replace the foam) about $120 in fiberglass and resin + time - lightest rims and tires + lowering the car. $900-1200 -(maybe)solar cells on the roof to charge the battery $1000 Mod prices so far -roof rack $69 -HID $29.99 -Fogs $9.99 -plasti dip $20 -Fire extinguisher $20 Paint on the car has been front grill, eye lids, side stripe, hub caps, side and curved part of tail lights, back bumper bottom and trunk area, both emblems, Debadged the car, license plate top, side mirrors, and 2 pin stripes on the side of the bumper do to someone leaving a scratch on the car. On average we get 48mpg per tank and around 380miles +/- 20miles (depends who drives more). Fully loaded on a 650miles trip with the roof rack packed we averaged 41mpg lowest we have had so far. Farthest we have taken it, is 427miles and it filled with 8.6 gallons. Best Electrical mileage we have gotten was our anniversary in the bay area ca. we got 97miles. a little bit about us. both originally from California. met in flagstaff az, moved to salem or for schooling and that's where we reside currently. I use to be a master tech for Subaru, but am going to school for pharmaceutical sciences. wife on the other hand is going to school for family counseling. before the prius and truck I had a new 09 wrx with about 4300 in perrin mods, ran a 12 flat 1/4 mile. along with a new crotch rocket. never have owned an auto till we got out 1st used prius then we got this C3. I use to feel stupid driving the C3 especially going from a 12 sec car. but I have gotten to use it, and I do not mind at all now. especially since we commute 64 miles a day back and forth to school.
haha o yea gonna autocross it soon! lol no its for GP reasons buddies corolla got tboned and caught fire, and my brothers friend car got hit, flipped over and caught fire 1 fatality. rather be safe than sorry. BUT I rather put it on the A pillar to make it look like a ricer haha. side curtain AB wont let me.
haha o yea gonna autocross it soon! lol no its for GP reasons buddies corolla got tboned and caught fire, and my brothers friend car got hit, flipped over and caught fire 1 fatality. rather be safe than sorry. BUT I rather put it on the A pillar to make it look like a ricer haha. side curtain AB wont let me.
Question, where to buy custom rear bumpers and on the aqua cars they have the front emblem covered, is that a kit or do you have to buy a whole front bumper?
looks like a little toooo much plastidip. i like the front bumper, and rear bumper dip. the side is Ok but everything else looks too much
It's works, I've had 2 people ask what kind of car I have. They were very surprised when I told then a prius c.
On my way back to Oregon, had a long vacation in cali. After seeing how the car sits, with it loaded down, I want to lower it now hah
I like most of the work, must do something with those holes where the hybrid emblem used to be though! maybe put the emblem back on and dip that too, I think I'd look better than the holes.
I want to get motor cycle side markers cause they would fit in the holes and I could wire them into the blinker system but that will probably come down the road
Haven't done much to the C3 lately, been busy with school and moving. Did how ever cut a piece of tarp to lay down as a base to protect the back side of the seats since I always have them down for my 2 dogs to lay in the back. Other than that did a series of 0-60 runs in Lebanon Oregon, dry road, flat, 60degrees out, gas+break for launch(hah). With my wife in the car. I was anywhere from 12.25(best) to 12.86worst. With an hour drive before we starting doing them. 2seconds faster than YouTube videos I saw but those had 2 fat dudes sitting in them.
see you're back in a 12second car... I came from a modded STi, I enjoyed it much, but I don't miss it too often. I was following a wrx yesterday & I was happy to be in my C. cheers.