Quick question, Is it ok to pour a bottle of fuel injector into prius tank. I used to do that with my old car every 6 months and give me smooth drive. Would that increase the efficiency as well. Prius 2008 T-spirit model.
No problem using Fuel Injection or Fuel System cleaner periodically. I put in a half-bottle of Techron at fill up when the car is missing or the idle is rough. Techron Concentrate Plus is a good product recommended by several car manufacturers.
There is no problem with using a fuel system cleaner, but follow the instructions on the container for the amount to use. The Prius holds 10 UK gallons when full. John (Britprius)
I agree with turnbowm. I have used Chevron Techron for years. I have now a new Avalon that I have had for 3 months. I am going to put a container of it in it in a day or so. I used it in a Prius that I had as well. You will notice the difference in your car if you use it.
Unfortunately I do not believe Techron is available in the UK although there are many other products. John (Britprius).
i have never needed this unto 120,000 miles for a smooth running engine or mpg's. does it depend on the quality of fuel available be region?
Quite honestly I never use fuel additives either. The fuel in the UK is generally of high quality but there was one occasion when a large supermarket chain had a delivery of contaminated fuel to some of there fuel outlets. This causing engine problems for hundreds of motorists. The supermarket picked up the bill for all the damaged vehicles. John (Britprius)
The only additive I ever use in any vehicles I've owned is ISO-heat if I got a while without a full fill-up. It'll get any condensation that can build up with ethanol in the fuels here in Texas' extreme heat-cool-heat-cool cycling.
I used techron 2 weeks ago. looks like it improved a little, but I think I had major carbon buildup. I had to remove the fuel injectors and clean all the carbon blockage. I used a carberator cleaner spray this past weekend.. I reassembled and went from 35 mpg to 44 atm after driving for 2 days.
It was Tesco and they didn't and don't without a fight. Just google it. Loads of complaints, lots of people suing them about it all over the UK. I'm sure my cars egr valve was all gummed up because I used Asda (Walmart) fuel. It's cheap but never, ever again. I'm sticking with Shell from now on and the car runs much smoother now. And to answer the OP, yes I use fuel injector or fuel system cleaner once every 5,000 miles or so. Just choose wisely.