My Prius yesterday while driving slowly (under 10 mph) all the dash warning lights came on(triangle, cel, trac control, brake). the gas engine started and the message came on that says: "check hybrid system". Today when I went out to check there only two warning lights on (triangle and cel) with the same message displayed. My question is can the vehicle operate without damaging anything if I drive it as is? I have read on several threads that the engine will not start if the hybrid motor(s) are not working. Since my engine starts and runs I have to believe the motor(s) are working.
In a word; No. At least not yet. But it depends on a number of factors. What has happened? Does the car still start and run? Did you run out of petrol? Is there an inverter problem? What miles are you at? What's the condition of your 12 volt battery? Have you actually tested its condition? How many miles do you drive the car a week? Does it do lots of miles or does it sit for days on end? The first thing I would always check when any warning light appears is the condition of the 12v battery. Never assume it's ok. Easy way if you don't have a multimeter is to put the car in ACC mode (NOT into Ready) and then wind all 4 windows down and back up together. If they work fine then your 12v would appear OK. If they all crawl down and back up slowly and the interior lights go dull then it looks like the 12v is a problem. If it fails it can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful error messages. If the 12v is fine my next focus would potentially be whether the petrol cap is correctly closed. Next after that would be some inverter issue but that generally depends on the mileage and use and also assuming you bothered to have the inverter recall done about 6 months ago.
the car starts and runs, did not run out of petro, not sure about the inverter, it has 195000, have to test the 12v battery, we drove the car from TN to Fl on vacation, the car is driven everyday, put petro in it Sunday and drove a couple of days since with out problems, just bought the vehicle about three months ago.
try disconnecting the 12v neg cable for a few minutes to clear the computers. take it to auto zone, etc. to see what codes it has thrown. how were your mpg's recently?
Just tried the rolling down the windows and back up in acc - rolled down and back up normally. okay didn't know if AutoZone could put codes on this vehicle. I will do this first and then disconnect the 12v battery.
Yep, that mileage puts a whole different slant on it. One could also speculate if the previous owner had had issues just prior to selling.
We had the Check Hybrid System warning come on, a week or two back. Seemed like it was brake related in our case, there was a momentary loss of brakes, just before the warning. I drove it to the dealership, with the warning still on. They recovered a bunch of codes, dismissed them, charged me $80. I'm wondering if the charge was fair though: the hybrid system's still under warranty.
Went to Autozone - dtc is P0A80 - took the orange plug out of the hybrid battery and now the vehicle will not start. Don't have any tools to remove the 12v battery neg cable.
The orange plug must be in place for the car to run. The Prius cannot run without the high voltage battery. (As opposed to early Honda hybrids that can run forever without the hybrid battery.) When replacing the orange plug, be sure to slide it firmly downward into place.
removed the battery cable from the 12v battery for about 10 minutes - no change. I re-checked that the orange plug is securely installed. Still will not start. So Hybrid battery is culprit, correct? Is there anything that can be done for me to drive the car back home about 6 hour drive?
6 hour drive? Doubtful. You will likely not be able to move at all. Just to be really sure... Here is a link to a document that shows the three steps required to properly re-install the hybrid battery plug. (Insert, lift up, slide down.) Toyota HV battery service plug .pdf - Google Drive Feel free to discuss more. 608-729-4082
Okay I checked the plug one more time and did see that I don't have the handle pushed back in all the way. After pushing it all the way in I tried to start the vehicle again and same thing - lights come on on the dash but nothing starts. So I sat there with it on for about a minute praying asking what to do next and all the sudden it started. The cel wasn't on anylonger - probably because I disconnected the battery however the orange triangle was still there. I shut it off and tried to start it again and it started right up there are no lights on, no warning lights on, nothing. Not sure what happened but very grateful for all the great information you guys have provided. Thanks
Get it home safe but be prepared for it happening again. There definitely sounds like a problem here and a quick fix will just be that. But you know this forum is a mine of information, so head back.
I'm going to do just that. I am a tech but this is my first adventure with a hybrid - read alot about them before buying - thought this one would go longer since it is a newer version. If I replace/repair/rebuild this battery should be good for another 200k right?
Your troubles are not over, by disconnecting the battery negative, you just reset the car's computers. The dtc will return
But not for a while yet, giving you time to sell the car on. Seriously though, a new HV battery might be worth sourcing and should give you a little longer.