Ever since I decided to tackle the big job of screening/mouse-proofing, have not had any real rodent issues. They still get into the engine compartment, of course, but no longer into the cabin filter or the engine air filter. This morning, I was running late to get out to work and my dog was sniffing the wheels of the car. Sure sign of mice. did not have time to deal with it. Came home this afternoon, opened the hood and found cracked seeds, etc, across top of engine. ShopVac took care of that. A bit later.... Had to do some work on the farm. Put on my rubber irrigation boots that I leave outside more often than not and near the Prius. When I slammed my left foot into my boot, felt something really strange wiggling against my instep. Since we do not have rattlesnakes in my area, not too worried, but... Yes, it was a mother mouse and her nest of babes....All pretty much newborns. Oh, well, the mice went to happyland, my instep was a bit bruised, and my boot smells a bit, but I can handle that.... At least the Prius came through O.K.
Bruised was probably a little strong. It was "sensitive" for about an hour or so after smacking into the mouse nest. Fine now. Yes, life on the farm.
Cowboys always shook out their boots before putting them on in the morning. The idea was to shake out any scorpions that might have crawled inside during the night while the cowboy was asleep. To this day, I always shake out my shoes before slipping them on. Same thing with my slippers that are beside my bed. You just never know when a critter might be inside one of them. Spiders, snakes, roaches, rats, mice etc... Good hearing from you Chris. Winter is coming soon. So maybe the mice problem will settle down for a while. Also glad to hear you finally got your Prius mouse proofed! I am proud of you girl! Ron
Horror for Mommie Mouse, no??! Quite the antidote to the Pixar (aka Disney) flick. And if you're reading this, look at the bottom of the page where there's a healthy list of "Similar Threads: Mice Prius"!!!! Not all farm tales.....
Put my shoe on one day and there was one of those black stink beetles in there and I walked around on it for the day. The bug juice stained my skin and sock blue. Obviously it stunk too.