I pulled off one of the plastic trim rings and it was beyond filthy. Does anyone have a recommendation on what to use on these to get them looking like new? And if you haven't ever pulled one you might want to take a look.
you can get any type of wheel cleaner from your local auto shop. or a good strong cleaner like simple green.
I've been afraid to..... Less of the grime, which can be cleaned, more of re-fitting the rings back on. On previous cars, the "hub caps" never fit as tightly again. Will this be a problem on Prius wheels?
Removed my rings a few days after I bought the car. Rims look much better without the rims. But they are there to protect the wheel edge. if your prone to hitting the curb while parking leave them on. Known issue that the trim rings trap water and debris and will rust the wheel under them. Any pasts store or Walmart buy some mag wheel cleaner/polish. They just snap right back on.,
Any wheel cleaner will help clean the road grime / brake dust etc from the wheel. I also pop the hubcaps into the dishwasher (when my Mrs isn't around) and it brings them out like new. A 15" wheel also fits in our dishwasher ..... don't ask how I know!
The wheels (gen3) look better without the hubcaps. Are you saying they are important for protecting the wheel edge? Haven't used the caps in several years and haven't noticed any wheel damage.