Sorry, I should've said "12V battery didnt die".. but if you want to hear the story of my 12V battery death.. basically, the little cover on the vanity mirror was open.. when its open and the sun visor is down, the vanity mirror light stays on even if the car is off (I assume its the same on any Prius or Toyota).. when I had my car parked for 4 days, I put up a sunshade using the sunvisor to hold it in place.. I didnt notice the light was on.. so it drained the 12V battery completely I bought an Optima 12V but havent put it in yet because the stock one is still working after charging it up But my big battery is still working fine.. no noticeable degradation (although my driving technique has definitely improved since I bought the car)
The only reason I believe some of these numbers is that I can see how to get at least some of them. for myself. So I also have an idea about what my numbers would be if I were just a regular joe type driver, names witheld except joes.
I'm no expert on lead acid, but it's hard to believe the battery was completely drained. I'd expect to see a couple of V let in it and depending on it's previous condition, sometimes if you get a trickle charge on it right after it gets taken down real low, one can cycle it back to fairly decent health. as always YMMV and buying new is so much easier, granted.
Well, when I say completely drained, I mean nothing worked.. no lights, nothing lit up when pushing the start button, remotes didnt work, even the little LED above the charging port didnt light up I put a charger on it and it started up. I let it sit for a bit and drove it for a few minutes and parked it. The next day, it was dead again. So that evening, I put it on a charger for about 3-4 hours and its been fine since (that includes a 3-day period of sitting around). Its going to be sitting again for 5 days real soon.. so we'll see if it still survives.. but so far, it seems to be more resilient than some would portray it be.. but I'm still going to replace it
I have one.. but nah, I kind of want to see if it will be alive after 5 days. I have an Optima sitting in the box so if I come back from vacation and its dead, it'll be motivation to swap out the old battery with the Optima.
I know I'm only half way there this month, but have to share what the changes to commute/charging habbits/patience have done. This even includes a trip to Lowe's with trailer in tow, thus the crappy HV mileage There are even 14 more all EV miles this month that occurred before I reset the trip!
Except that fifth place can be a moving target as I had my sights on reclaiming it as well. I held 5th for quite a while until markabele and Tracksyde did even better in the category below "pure" EV. Then I unexpectedly ended up with a summer of almost pure commute driving with just a small number of weekend trips outside of EV range. Mostly because longer trips were in our 2010 std Prius whose ICE needed some longer trips to balance out all the short ones my wife takes. Doubt I will ever see 90% EV again over 1000 miles so I doubt I'll ever do much better. These numbers essentially reflect efficiency of my daily commute of 9 miles each way, while my previous entry included far more weekend HV miles.
Yes, but your EV efficiency is still much better than mine. What's the secret? I imagine the 11 traffic lights that are part of my daily commute are part of what's holding me back, but I already do my best to time them as much as possible. The speed limit on my commute is 45 MPH tops so that along with nearly flat terrain did help with the efficiency I reached.
No real secret. I try to drive without brakes as much as possible (and even drive without regen). Also, I rarely go over 45 unless I absolutely have to.