Hello everyone, I currently drive a 2007 Toyota Prius I recently hit 150,000 miles and the last time I got it oil changed they told me I probably need new tires sometime, so here I am what is the best tires I am in Iowa and we do get a lot of snow in the winter, and I would like to get out of my driveway when we do get snow thanks!
Do your own research, since many people will have different opinions. tirerack.com is a good resource. When I have the money, I too will be getting new tires. Through my research, I narrowed down my information to select Michelin Energy Saver A/S. Mostly because I am trying to improve my MPG. But tirerack gave me 4 other options that could work as well.
I like the Michelin Energy Saver A/S that is on our Prius. I have heard that don't do snow well. Can't comment on that as it doesn't snow very often here. MPG's improved over OEM Integrity's. Nicholas, F8L posted a list of tire recommendations for Prius. Look in the 3rd Gen Section here on PC.
I have some Michelin tires on mine and the ride is very good and average MPG is 49.9 MPG. Even though there are confounding variables, an average like that with my mediocre driving habits REQUIRES good tires.
I bought Falken Sincera SN-828 tires from DiscountTireDirect.com for $36 each including delivery. I've had them on since the spring and my mileage did decrease a little from low rolling resistance tires that were on there... but it's a small difference. I went from 55.1MPG to 54.8MPG average. The tires were rated highly by buyers and they seem to do really well on my 2006 Prius.
I just bought Bridgestone Ecopia 422, a forum recommended tire. $450 with balance/rotation. But Firestone offered a $70 rebate during September that brought it down well under $400. I believe that the Michelin A/S are superior but at a more than $200 difference in cost, was not justified in my case. My average mileage has stayed at around 57 for this time of year (soon to plummet with winter coming on) so I am inclined to believe that it will actually improve slightly when they are worn in some. The previous tires were Yokohama AVID, I believe.
I'm so used to Tire Rack after I just got my last set there a co worker reminded me what a great deal Costco has. Free life time balance and rotation and a great deal on install. Great selection also. Cheap! If everyone knew about Costco all the tire stores would be out of business. Its just a lost leader for them there hoping you'll wander around the store the whole time and buy a crap load of stuff. And there probably right.
For your climate I would get the Ecopia EP422. It is excellent for fuel efficiency and has decent snow traction for an all-season tire. In any area that sees snow throughout the winter I would highly recommend a dedicated set of snow tires. All-season tires are not meant for temps below 45F and stopping ability is greatly reduced. It's not all about forward traction.
Nicholas, what's your tire size? The base 185/65R15, or? If it's the above size, I'd add another vote for Bridgestone Ecopia EP422, as all seasons, for three season use. But for winter conditions, if it's in your budget, consider Michelin XIce3 (or similar) on separate rims. I believe the Tire Pressure Sensors can be transferred from the old valve stem to new (typically new tires involve replacing the valve stem), if the installers are careful, without having to be re-registered. But not sure. I've gotten snow tires, on extra rims, and simply didn't bother with the sensors. I understand some tire places are starting to get sticky about this: if a car comes in with tire pressure monitor system, they're obligated to install sensors in any new rims. Not sure how widespread this is.
I'm loving my Ecopia 422s. Best milage I've every gotten, incredibly comfortable and quiet ride. These had plenty of traction for their first Buffalo NY winter, but any tire is good when new. We'll see how they do on winter number two very soon. I expect they'll do fine as they seem to be wearing well. By the way milage starts out great and improves as they break in. If all season tires work for you this may be the best Prius tire currently available. I've had Michlin hydroedge which handled great right up until you hit ice. I had set of Nokian entire. These are called all season tires, but they are winter tires in disguise. As you can imagine these were great winter tires but that's all I can say about them.
I am looking for tires as well. My 2007 Prius needs tires for the winter not sure what the best would be for my car. I live in Cleveland and I want them to work in the snow. My last ones did not work very well I put coopers on not very good for my car. Did you find tires yet?
For fuel efficiency and snow I recommend the Ecopia EP422. For a LRR tire it does quite well. For best results you should be using a true winter tire. They are designed for cold temperature. Below 45F regular all-season tires lose pliability which results in increased stopping distance and poorer traction overall. This is even in the absence of snow and ice! For a mixed use tire the Nokian WR series are great.
How is it possible? They are $63 each: Ratings, reviews and specifications for Falken Sincera SN-828 tires
s BIG Costco fan here. Ed has it 95% correct. Install fee of $15 per tire (price at my local Costco), includes: lifetime balance, lifetime tire rotation, and ROAD HAZZARD WARRANTY (free patching if possible, and prorated warranty based on tread depth of a non-repairable tire).Lifetime is for a 5 year period from the date of installation; 5 years is what many tire manufactures determine to be the life of the tire as well. Tire disposal fee is a separate per tire disposed fee; its CHEAP compared to others. You will be hard pressed to get all of these, esp w/ Road Hazzard Warranty for $15/tire. If you don't have an existing membership, live near a Costco, and frequent one, a big tire chain store or WrongMart may be a better option for you. Many places will do their best to match/beat Costco, but have a hard time b/c prices too low for them. Good luck. EDIT. Mendel Leisk, just reminded about the regular $70 off a set of 4 new tires (always seems to alternate between Michelin and Bridgestone). Right now, the warehouses have $70 off of four Michelins (9/1/2014-10/1/2014). Instant discount at the register. NO MIR (Mail in Rebate).
Also, Costco takes manufacturer's rebates off at time of purchase, not leaving you with a form to fill out and mail, and an interminable wait. Plus that means less sales tax. I don't like their green caps, tho.
I have to agree on the Ecopia's, and Costco's warranty - we picked up a nail on day 1 (mile 400) of a 10-day, 2000 mile road trip, found the nearest Costco, and were in-and-out in 45 minutes, no charge for the patch. They're decent for winter, depending heavily on the quality of road plowing/salting/maintenance. If the traction control kicks in it's a bigger obstacle than the tires themselves, but still a good idea for a second set of tires.