Saw this on Craigslist today: Original owner selling a custom made three-wheeler. Rear wheel is a custom fabricated steel 15 inch rim made by Stocton Wheels. Rear tire is a 12 inch wide; Mickey Thompson Sportsman. Car was rolled, so was re-made into a three wheeled two seater. Powertrain is all original and in perfect working order. Beefed up aftermarket front sway bar keeps it very stable. Inspected and all diagnostics checked by Toyota dealership where it was bought. Have original Toyota factory manual. Includes heating and air, 4-way speakers, 6 disk CD player, 2 spare tires, air bags front and side. Has 159,000 original miles. Computer can take upgrades. Averages about 42.7 MPG. Have all maintenance receipts. New battery and battery bank has never been discharged. And it's fun to drive! As is; best offer. Call and leave message.
That's hilarious! Mighty imaginative. I wonder if it requires a motorcycle license. The regulations sure open up when you don't have four wheels. A neighbor had a creation that looked like a track dragster except it only had one front wheel, so it qualified as a trike and was street legal, big-block, open pipes, uncovered 2-foot-wide Mickey Thompsons in back, and all. I couldn't believe it.
Get's a Tinkerer thinking! Humm! a lot of Gen1 out there for cheap. Or I have two Gen2 wrecks here that I was going to part out. But I would want an enclosed body for here in WA. Creating a frame and roll cage is one thing, forming a slick tight body is going to be complicated. If these became somewhat popular, someone could mold up a body kit like Bradley did for the VW Bug. ( got one of those "virgin" kits in on trade the other day!) It might fit on a Gen1 wheel base but then I would be back on 4 wheels and no Reg. or Ins. advantage. Just thinking out loud! Steve