Saw this post over at Car Damaged By Locksmith * included* Synopsis: Locksmith damages car while recovering keys locked in Gen2 Prius...battery died while keys left in car.
I thought the synopsis was some random dude damages other car trying to help and not knowing what he is doing. The "update" said it was just some random good doer. Sucks to be her. That is going to be $1K minimum.
LOVE the member who kept asking for pictures of the female car owner! Yikes Not a mention by anyone about how "flimsy" our tin cans are. Where's a good spot to stick a hide-a-key, that's reasonably easy to reach?
Locksmiths do not do that sort of damage to vehicles. Roadside firms have generally lowered how much they will pay service providers, and often use jack of all trades. There is an international scam online and in phone books, spanning the service trades such as Locksmiths, Electricians, Plumbers and Pest Control. ready to send out inexperienced people, often uninsured and not background checked. There is also an identity theft component that is of major concern. In order to be a locksmith for a number of road club dispatch firms, I would have to carry gasoline, batteries and jumper cables, as well as offer tire hanging and other tow-truck level services. I am a locksmith, not a tow truck. The car certainly got jacked, if the dents in the photos was done by the carjacker. I can not for the life of me figure out how THOSE dents could be caused during an opening procedure. Wish you took a video! You should definitely file a damage claim with the roadside provider, as you and they have entered into a covenant. They need to handle getting you back to pre-damage condition. Be sure to have a trusted, recommended locksmith, plumber, HVAC, Electrician and other such contacts in your cell phone, with cloud backed up... Then when the need arises, you can log into account, find your service firm, and control your destiny!