Just like The title says I'm getting unwanted calls from this number 300–9. Verizon says they can't block it and they can't track it. What the heck? It's their network and their equipment and it's in their logs! I don't understand.
I had something very similar happen to my cell phone and when I asked them to identify themselves, they just laughed. First of all, that's several digits short of a real phone number, so don't answer them. The technology has arrived that spammers can generated phone number like they do emails and call everybody.
They call in the middle of the night or early morning hours. It's a Pavlovian reflex to just reach over an answer.
I recently bought a new cordless phone set. It has a call block feature. When I get a telemarketer call I just block the number out and I don't get the call anymore. Nice feature. If a blocked out number calls my phone will just ring once and stop. It is a Panasonic.
Nothing there isn't anyone on the line! I was warned to not call back as Verzion thought they may be able to capture more personal data this way.
iPhone doesn't have this feature as far as I know. You can call the service provider but all they can block is 10 digit numbers.
As I mentioned above when it happens in the middle of the night it's a pavlovian response to reach over and answer. Other times I'm in public and don't want to disturb others with the constant ringing. Which brings up another oddity, why doesn't it go to voice messaging on the fourth ring like all my other calls?
I like to have fun with the scammers..... asking them to "Wait while I get my credit card" and then do nothing. If you waste their time then they can't call someone else. It costs them money. I also ask for their address so I can file a formal complaint with the U.S. FTC or EU equivalent (whichever has jurisdiction).
If I answer I ask them if they can wait a second that someone is at my door. Then I just let them hang. They don't like that.