I would say 90% of the time when I park my Prius, there is usually a large vehicle parked next to me when I return from shopping, eating etc. Usually it is a big truck, Suburban or Mini Van. As you would expect, it is always hard to back out of the space as the large vehicle blocks the view. In addition, I always inspect my car before leaving as these large vehicles have larger doors, and a greater chance of denting the car. I have also noticed, if I park my car way away from other vehicles, my car sometimes has a large vehicle parked next to it or very close to it. I understand why they park next to me. My vehicle is small, and it is easy for a large vehicle to park in the space next to me. I guess this is just the way it's going to be.
Kermit the Frog says "It ain't easy being green...." Welcome to the club. Consider backing in, and looking for end spots and of course there's always the back of the lot. Good Luck!
What does inspecting the vehicle do for you? If you see a ding, you would leave the car next to you a note and expect them to pay up? Luckily I drive a car with dings and scratches on it.....people avoid parking next to me
Sorry, but you just joined the 99% club the rest of the driving world is part of, and it's not exclusive to Prius.
i think it's just the odds. most of the vehicles on the road today are bigger than the prius. much bigger.
Nah, it's that uber selfish mindset that thinks if you don't completely overfill a reasonably sized parking space, then they will occupy their space AND part of your space AND then allow their kids to fling open their doors into your doors. How did our parents survive with simple two wheel drive sedans? How many soccer moms EVER go off-roading in their giant trucks?
All the cars I've ever owned ended up with dings and scratches but I think the Prius looks far worse when the ding is on that crease on the doors. It sticks out like a sore thumb!
Finding an open end spot that allows more room to park is usually a good answer. Although I've come back to my car later to see someone else parked over the line closer to me. Best answer is parking out in the distant regions of the lot. Your odds of anyone parking next to you are not likely, since most people are hell bent on parking close to a building entrance. The benefit is also a bit of extra exercise.
I always make a conscious decision where I park to eliminate damage to my vehicles. The problem, you're dealing with people who don't care. Parking away from the masses is your only hope.
I'll tell you what I do, Prius or otherwise. I park my car as far to the end of the lot everywhere I go. It will prevent just what you mentioned. Also, another major side benefit for me is forced walking and that is what I need. Try it. You will like it and because of the exercise you will feel better.