I have a 2006 Prius and want to upgrade my cell phone to Bluetooth capability. I am a Verizon user. I went to the Verizon store to see what options I had. Verizon said that they have no Bluetooth phones which are compatible with the Prius. (Verizon has LG, and Motorola models) When I called my Toyota dealership in San Diego, they researched the problem and called me back saying that they couldn't find any Verizon phone which was compatible with the Prius. I called another San Diego dealer and they said they could not help me. Does anyone know if LG or Motorola makes a phone which is compatible with the Prius??
While I am a Cingular customer, based on what I read, any cell phones (of Verizon) made by SE (Sony/Ericsson) and Moto should have Bluetooth function that works with Prius. The main difference of Verizon from Cingular is that the OBEX protocol have been blocked, meaning no file transfer profile is possible with Verizon phones. Therefore, you can't transfer phone contacts, MP3 files, ring tones, etc. thru Bluetooth (which is possible with Cingular phones). However, since the '06 Prius allow owners to enter phone contacts manually, this is less a problem than for '04 or '05 owners.
OK, let's get on the same page. There are several Verizon phones (like the e815 that I have) that work with the Prius. The problem is that OBEX (and especially OOP) has been disabled on Verizon phones (except one, but I forget the model). This is required to send the phonebook to the Prius. If the phonebook is the main concern, you have a couple of options. You can change carriers, you can get a cheap BT phone off of eBay (non Verizon) to send the phonebook or you can use a laptop (with BT & Outlook Express) to send the phonebook. Since you have a 2006, though, you can enter them manually.
As you can tell, I am technologically challenged! Thanks to both Ceric and aaf709!! I'll pick one up today! Appreciate the help!!
While we are on the Bluetooth topic; I have a question. I have a 2005 Prius so i am at the mercy of the upload for the phonebook. I have nicely uploaded all my numbers but things like "home voicemail" uses pause between number sequences. I have not been able to get my RAZR V3 to upload a valid sequence to allow the pause and PIN for the mailbox. Anyone know what pause character may work? I used P, Pause from the # key, and Pause from the option button; nothing works. I am on Cingular. All the sequences work fine from the phone. Al who is very puzzled
I don't believe there is a way to transfer any non numeric character on the 04-05 Nav system. It's been my experience that any other character causes the transfer to fail. Hence, there is no way to put pauses in numbers in the phone book.
That is a big 10-4 and Amen. Even a space charter will do you in. Nothing but numbers for the phone number field! Deviate and you die.
I have the TREO 700w which has Verizon, and a 05 Prius. I am glad that I have my old Motorola Phone, so I have no problem with the upload of the phone book. The TREO works, albeit with out the auto answering function that the Motorola has. Oh, and you can't see how many 'bars' your signal has on the screen.
I get the bars on the Prius screen with my 650. Do you have the most recent system software or is this a Microsoft issue?
I have a Moto G (lst gen) and made a simple connection that allowed me to make phone calls in my 2007 Prius. I had difficulty in getting the Bluetooth on the phone to recognize my Prius and also, when starting at the Prius side of the equation, in setting up the phone, the Prius screen gave me a 4 digit number and told me to enter those into the Moto G. The problem was that I could find no way to get a screen on the phone to give me an entry screen for those numbers. I contacted the Motorola chat line for their android phones and got no useful information. But wait . . . . I still discovered the solution (meaning it works for me). I followed this procedure: 1) I got in the Prius, turned on the phone Bluetooth, and put it in search mode. 2) I then turned on the Prius and within 10 seconds the Moto G chirped and a screen appeared that asked for the keycode which I happily entered. And now I can make calls using the voice functions on the Prius. 3) I am currently very careful to follow the sequence of turning on the Bluetooth on the phone first and then turning on the vehicle. I get the chirp from the phone and a notice on the Prius screen that the Bluetooth is connected. I haven't worked with the Prius phonebook but I'm not expecting any problems there. However, I'll mention that the dialog that goes on between me and the voice of the Prius in order to make a Dial By Number phone call feels a bit like communicating with my 95 year old grandmother. It's tedious to put it politely. There are no dropouts and I don't have to start over, as long as I give the Voice of the Car my full attention and do exactly what I'm told. I wouldn't want to be avoiding speeding suvs while I try to get a call through. Anyway, good to have a place to share our "discoveries" at less than $75 an hour. Mel