So I bought a propane injection kit, not a fuel replacement kit but more as a power adder for my F350 and never got around to installing it and then sold my truck and bought my prius. I love the car but it seems to be lacking in power really badly, more than a hybrid should. I've been thinking of installing my propane kit on my car, it's a universal unit so it shouldn't matter what vehicle it's on. What are everyone's thoughts? I know that propane can burn pretty hot and it probably wouldn't do me too much good in the city to run the propane. But yeah get back at me.
It's an interesting idea, but I'd be concern about the extra strain it could put on the drive-train. I'd also be concerned about my warranty protection.
What would you hope to achieve with the propane kit, other than finding out how easy it is to put a replacement engine into a Prius?
In Europe it is fairly common to convert cars to propane since it's cheaper , trying to recall if any of our EU Prius drivers have done that. Typically they put a spare-tire shaped propane tank in the spare tire well. As far as adding a little propane for power boost, I am not familiar with that concept. I did a quick Google and that seems to be a diesel engine power booster..Is it also for gasoline engines, and if so what is the principle? If is an octane booster, you could buy premium instead. In the winter we have more butanes in the gasoline and it does not add any power.