Dear All friends, I use Prius 2012 . It is possible to modify it to support Plug in mode as new model? or conversion kit to supoort this purpose? Now, I put E85 conversion . It is safe more 30% from use normal fuel. I need all friends opinion. Thanks all.
There have been scores of discussions on this topic over the years. Searching the forums will probably reveal everything that could ever be said about this subject.
Have you checked the difference in gas MILEAGE when using E85 ? It might be a tad more than 30%. The answer to your first question is: Possible, yes most anything is possible, but it would be cost prohibitive and likely unreliable. MUCH better to just trade for a plug-in model stock.
In the U.S. a few states (eg; Colorado is the best) give owners a substantial subsidy/grant for converting to Plug-In mode. A company called Boulder Hybrid Conversions does this type of work, and member 3ProngPaul here does this type of work.
For those of you interested, here's an article on E85 use: E85 vs. Gasoline Comparison Test The bottom line is that it seems to make economical sense to use E85 only if it the price is at least 25% lower than standard (10% ethanol) fuel. This is assuming that the vehicle comes equipped to use either fuel, and does not account for recovery of conversion costs. YMMV