Has something happened to the spreadsheet? I went to add some fillups and it tells me that I need to ask for permission. I did that last week I think, but no luck getting permission so far.
I still would be open to making a form for people to very easily input their data. It would have an accompanying spreadsheet.
I'm fine with it either way. Waiting for ukr2 ( lives a half hour drive away from me) to get back to my access request. He probably has a lot of them, even though he posted that there are really not that many users yet. Or adding data on a new spreadsheet you put together.
I get this for both the spreadsheet and the input form; Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist. Please check the address and try again. Is this a new problem?
i pm'ed ken, i don't get the sign in anymore, but it won't let me add my new info. hopefully, he can figure it out. i wonder if google has locked us out?
Ok, I can access it now, was hitting the wrong links (thought the first link was a Google Docs Welcome message). Questions, as the instructions in the 1st post don't agree with the way the spreadsheet is laid out; 1. What is the difference between Metered kWh and kWh columns? I don't have anything but the 110v EVSE that came with the car, so perhaps this refers to a wall mount unit that retains kWh history. 2. Do we enter our data on line 4, then someone takes it and puts it somewhere else? I would suggest updating the original post so that people don't have to look through 18 pages of comments to understand what's going on.
yes, ken (UKR2) got it fixed this week. metered kWh are about 15% higher than what is shown on the car screen. people who have measured it at the wall came up with that because it takes into account charging losses which the car doesn't. enter your info in the 'enter data here' tab under ken's example. he will move it when he see's it, or you can pm and ask him to.
How does one find their PIP "order number"? I don't see it on my 11/2011 order confirmation from Toyota.
I added july 10th and sept 13th and I think they add up. But if I screwed up, sorry ... my HSI (Trip A) is currently at 716.9 mi and it's going to take me a while to find where it was reset and my HSI (Trip B) was reset jul 10th I'm starting to get how they are setup, but ....
I was just looking through the PiP Order worksheet for old time's sake and it looks like some data for shuffled around.. when I look down my row (120), towards the end, with build date n' stuff like that, its all messed up. I see some of my information a few rows up and in other columns, its a few rows down or something.. Not a big deal, but just wanted to point that out