Yesterday was not my best day. I got in a fender bender at the grocery store, it was hot, and my errands took forever. About a block from my last stop, my Prius starts dinging. First slowly, then faster, and it kept it up until I stopped at the next light. I'm sort of freaked out, and am watching the display for some indication of what the heck it's upset about. No lights that I don't see every day. The dinging started back up after I dropped off a bunch of stuff at my store and headed home. Now I'm thinking something must be wrong and I need to call the dealer. Could this minor collision have somehow damaged the delicate computer system?? Finally, I see a flashing light in front of the (empty) passenger seat. Aha! Fasten seatbelt light! I had a 40-lb bag of cat litter in the seat. The cat litter, although heavy, was incapable of informing me that it needed its seatbelt fastened. So now I know. But I would have preferred to have the flashing light in front of me, too, so I had some idea what the car was alarmed about. That dinging is pretty relentless and made me think the car was about to self destruct. On the heels of a minor collision, this was not fun.
Sorry to hear about the fender bender- it sucks, but it happens... and it can be fixed! You can disable the passenger seat belt ding-ding-ding reminder via a PC and OBDII interface device, or by a visit to your local Toyota dealership. I disabled mine because it used to drive me nuts waiting for my 87yo mother to get her seat belt fully buckled on her way to 5pm mass every Saturday.
So, Rob, you're driving down the road with your mother unbuckled? Wasn't it enough that she gave birth to you??
I eventually gave up- it was making me nervous and was distracting- I now buckle her up after helping her in. She's the lucky one... once or twice a year I'm out of town- the taxi charges her $17 each way for the ride to church. The way I see it, I'm saving her $34/week by driving her there...
Yeah, you're not kiddin! And at 87 she still says... "the light's red/the light's green!" the split second it changes. Sheesh... I should get her a shift at that taxi company... It's like driving Miss Daisy!
I have a company-issued G3, and I used to set off the co-pilot seat belt warning all of the time when I put tools into the right hand seat. Finally? I just buckled the seat-belt some 50,000 miles ago and it's been that way every since. You can do that the next time it's time to get some kitty litter, or if you look under the seat there is a hose connected to a sensor that you may be able to block or remove to fool the sensor---I'm not sure since just buckling the seat-belt worked out for me. I hope your tomorrows are better than the yesterday, and good luck dealing with the minor accident.
your comments were hysterical the wife and I loved it !! Lol.when the car gets repaired try to make sure that the bumper slit are even because mine aren't in the Collision Center says there is nothing they can do to make it any better it's a new bumper with all new parts. glad the car did not implode lol