I want to join the fun !!! Finally hit over 1K miles.. I do not know how good the entune app thing is.. but here is my JULY results so far..
The result of my new commute. It does not beat my old record but I was just settling in. 90 MPGe with 62% EV. The breakdown is 142 MPGe on electic and 59 MPG on gas. My new efficiency record. Traffic is better than Queens, NY traffic but I am crossing GWB in the weekdays.
Sorry about not being clear. Those miles are a combination of some June miles + July + August miles. Since Aug only has 32 miles without weekend longer drives yet, it is showing 200+ MPG Cons.
How do you get Eco Dash on entune? I have the latest entune for my 2014 pip but don't see that option anywhere.
If my battery didnt die, I probably would've had something better to report.. but this was taken 1-2 days before my battery died.. 1043 EV miles 91 HV miles 2 HV gallons 213 kWh (1043+91/2.5) + ((213/0.85)/33.7) = 114.1 MPGe 1043 / ((213/0.85)/33.7) = 140.3 EV MPGe 91 / 2.5 = 36.4 HV MPG I think those numbers are right, but please double check
That is impressive. I can hold below 10% hv for a few hundred miles. But once I get stuck in some heavy, in a hurry, mass of confusion traffic pattern, I'm above 10% hv real quick.
I can't get out of the way fast enough and also catch a cold from some of them. The prius can be driven just like any other car if that is how one wants to drive it. The 14 PiP can be driven with way more sensitivity to the road conditions than any other car I've ever driven. Except maybe the Tesla S P85, but that was only for a few miles. I couldn't believe how many other cars gassed by me uphill from a red light as I struggled to keep ICE from switching on this morning.