Within 2 months of my purchase the guy next door bought a black PC3, then about 3 months after that the house 2 down bought a Light Blue PC2. Now the house 2 up's daughter has bought a Black PC2. It was odd enough when the trash company gave us all blue garbage cans and dictated that we use them, soon the neighborhoods cars and trash cans will all be the same!
amazing! after 10 years, i'm still the only prius on my block, in my neighborhood. there are quite a few at whole foods though...
itz funny how we recognize our own cars ! interstingly enough, i like to see WHO is driving it. is it a Judge? Doctor? Teacher? Teenager? there is a certain calmness to them all no matter who the driver is. my only real buyer's remorse is that i coulnd't buy all four Prii versions !! but for now the c1 in itz smallness has itz own rewards. i did NOT want to get stuck helping everyone out to their various house moves and garage sale shopping had i bought the v. the c is big enough for me as the driver and thatz what counts. by the way i still was able to fit a Maytag Dryer in my c and was still even able to fully close the hatch. $50 brand new at a garage sale,,, works great,,, (ok it was the compact one but so wwhat hahahaha)
Pennsylvanians haven't caught on to them yet... They like there pick em up trucks and tahoes. ( Can't blame them on the tahoes lol I would own one too if gas wasn't so pricey. ) Well you know what... we drive whatever we get our hands on.
I have seen the prius c in SE Wisconsin maybe 5 times since I bought mine back in March 2013. Lots of regular prius liftbacks though, and a couple of sightings of the v as well. Oddly enough, once in a while I'll see a regular prius driver tailgating me. Maybe I'm one of those rare sights they don't see every day.