Hello, I have a 2013 Prius Plug - The car is not charging fully i.e. 3.2 KWHs was many claim and have written in several forums and blogs. It has consistently been charging only unto 2.7 KWHs. I bought this last summer and its been more than a year and have seen all the four seasons. Obviously the number of miles it can run with a full charge varies depending on weather and all that. But I am not able to understand why it is not charging beyond 2.7 kwhs. I had asked this question to the dealers during the services but they don't have an answer besides saying that the 'battery seems to be good'. Any thoughts?
I've been keeping a record of estimated battery capacity based on SOC change, Charge kWh and an assumed charging efficiency of 90%. As you can see from the chart it shows a decline in amount of energy to charge and a decline apparent battery capacity. I'm not sure why there is variability in the data, perhaps the actual battery charging efficiency varies with temperature.
Maximum SOC 85%, approximate Minimum SOC 20% (3 bars), Battery specification 4.4 kWh full capacity (.85 - .20) * 4.4 = 2.86 kWh available capacity.
I wonder if some of the confusion is the built-in charger capacity (3.3kW/h) vs. actual charging energy used (2.8'ish kWh)?
I think you have an extra "/h". The charger is 3.3 kW (although I see 1.9 kW with 240v in the car or 2.3 kW on Chargepoint Usage). The total capacity (not usable) is 4.4 kWh. The average amount charged seems to go up to 2.8-3.0 kWh, plus charging losses (about 10-15% I believe).
Hello Everyone. Thank you so much for taking the time to clarify on my question. I think all this information has given me more clarity. It is really sad that the Toyota dealers and the technicians there are not able to give this kind of information.