I just recently installed Whispbar racks and a Whispbar cargo box. I work out of my car, and it's giving me much needed room. It looks pretty sweet too! i Since I took these pics, I've dropped the box back about six inches. It looks more balanced and reduced wind noise considerably. Before, driving at 40 mph, it was too loud to have the sunroof open. Now it's alright. The box is great and so are the bars. However, the fit kit for the bars was kind of a pain. I played around with it, and got it to work okay, but I'll probably take some time later and modify the kit so the front bars can be expanded more. NAKED ROOF | WHISPBAR FLUSH BAR: S22 SYSTEM WB700 AERO COMPACT CARGO CARRIER and a K-678 fit kit
This is the first roof rack I have liked on the C. It looks great and I like the color of your car. Nice job
I think you'd get better mpg if you turned it around. Teardrops are more aerodynamic than wedges. SCH-I535
It comes with a warning not to do that. Besides, then I'd need to put the roof racks on backwards too.
Here's an update on the MPG. I've gotten as high as 49.2 MPG with this thing on, and as low as 45. There are extraneous uncontrolled variables that make it difficult to see what impact the box has. It's been hot, and I've run the AC quite a bit while idling. Also, I started letting my daughter drive the car. I'll have to do a few more fillups to get a better average to see what change there is.
Lol, looks like the myth was kind of busted: TV Review: MythBusters 8.24 – “Reverse Engineering” | Fandomania
That looks great! Mind if I ask around how much everything was and where you ordered it from? Any advice for someone looking to do the same thing?
More than 800.00 just for the box alone? Yikes! I trolled eBay and finally got a new Skybox 16S for 450.00 and new Yakima rack for 299.00 from ReRack in Oregon. there are 3 of us so the space was very well used, countless trips to Florida and no problems. sight mileage drop looking at my records avg. 45-48 miles per gallon. As with any of these set-ups STOP AND CHECK THE RACK PERIODICALLY they can work loose.
The whispbar box looks great, but that brand can be expensive. I was at a rack store in Santa Monica & it was well over $1000 for bars & the box (&the box was on sale) But it is a great looking setup, & too expensive is all relative anyway, just too much for me. cheers.
Do you have any trouble with the weight limit of only 88lbs on the Prius C? I noticed that the Whispbar cargo box isn't a product that works for the Prius C, clearly not true based on your images. I