in my 2013 prius plug in, when i plug it into the wall socket i get a reading of 0.9 kw on the charging screen is that a normal amount of electricity ? what number do you guys see when you plug it into a regular wall outlet ?
The charging rate can vary with SOC and battery temp. Could be 900W as you have, or could be up to 1400W (12A @ 120 V) at low charge and a cool battery.
Mine generally shows 0.9 as well. Normally I charge at 2:30 AM in the morning and it usually finishes around 4;45...but that is with the battery showing .1 or .2 miles of range remaining. . .
I think I normally get 1.7kw on the screen...but I charge at 240v with the open evse. And I haven't looked at the charging screen for a while.
With the OEM charger I would get 1.0 kW on the screen. With my GE Wattstation 240v I get 1.9 kW on the screen. I thought it would be more with 240v, but I am still happy with it.
Seems like it would pull the same amps at twice the voltage, hence the shorter charging time and higher kW. Just a guess though
i just checked again and its at 1.0kw on the charge screen. Im wondering how accurate is the estimated charge time ? i wish there was a screen where you can see the actual cell voltage for each cell.
The highest I've seen using my OEM charger is 1.1 and typically get 1.0 so .9 doesn't sound to bad to me. Using a 240v charger I see 1.9