So recently (since Thursday morning last week) I noticed the exhaust noise of my prius has been louder. Today I experimented a bit and I'm pretty sure it's exhaust related. The car is pretty loud if there is any load on the engine, although still mostly quiet if it's idling. There are no errors presenting and mileage is still great. Otherwise, it's loud and resonates at a few different rpm points, and I found that when the engine spins under breaking (foot-off coasting over 42mph or in B mode) it also makes noticeable exhaust noise of the same type. I'm guessing the exhaust is leaking (the sound seems to be coming almost from the left rear seat area? Behind me when I'm driving at least) but I wanted to see what people here thought before I get it in somewhere or go through the trouble of getting under it myself. Note: car has lived in West Virginia before I got it and Ohio since, so there is salt involved.
The undercarriage is probably all rusted really bad. Car is not garaged. Just lay down under the car with a good flashlight. Go to Harbor Freight and buy the rubber mats to lay on. There very nice and half the price of HD for same mat.I think you'll quickly see the exhaust system is toast. Hopefully the cat is not to rotted out as they are expensive. If cat ok new exhaust system is maybe $150 all in at any exhaust shop. But while under there take a look at the front suspension and see how rusted that all is. Take some pics and post them here. We like pictures. If muffler rotted off the suspension is gonna get you next.
I'll get under there tomorrow I think, and get you some pics. In the past, it looked relatively good. I suspect my car was garaged by the previous owner (until early 2012). Maybe some sort of road debris hit it? But I think I'd have noticed that. The muffler is still there and also looked decent when I poked my head under the back end (fearing my muffler had been stolen overnight or something).
Ok thats good rust not really bad. Seen some duzzy's here before. Usually the connection from the manifold to the pipe gets loose or comes aprt. You can see it right after the engine. All bolts holding the flange on have springs on them. But really just take it to a muffler shop as it really needs a real good look at it with the car up on the lift.