I thought my dog was smart, she's a labradoodle, but this escapee is brilliant and sure-footed. I have to admit it was quite the nail biter at the end...would he survive the fall? Those left on the inside looked jealous. So, did he sustain any injuries?
Last Saturday night we had Family Cheesy Movie Night (Sharknado 2) all four of us humans were on the couch and Lucky, our 6yo Cockapoo- was on the carpet. I left the room briefly to get some paper towels for the popcorn mess. When I got back- it seems Lucky had taken my spot on the couch right next to my wife (she said he jumped up as soon as he heard me going downstairs)- and I didn't have the heart to toss him off because he was faking that he was asleep already! I watched the rest of the movie from down on the carpet with the now snoring dog up on the couch w/the rest of the family....