Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk has exclusively revealed to Auto Express plans for a new electric BMW 3 Series rival, including its name – Tesla Model 3. (sic) Read more: Tesla Model 3 to challenge BMW 3 Series - World Exclusive | Auto Express
+1. But if it is $2k like the S, then hell no. I take black or white if I have to. Hmm..... can't wait until 2016/2017 for one. Time for my Prius G2 to retire then (hopefully before battery swap). Let me see, PIP with 10 miles EV range or a Tesla III with 200 miles range. Hard decision.
Future choices that meet my 120 mile, Huntsville-to-Nashville range requirement: 150 mile Leaf 200 miles Tesla 3 So how hard can it be to replace the gas engine and fuel tank with additional batteries in: PIP Volt e.t.c. Bob Wilson
I wonder if there is a way to put an external battery in a towable cart to use as a secondary source of electricity in order to extend the range to 500-600 miles? That would make it very practical.
Why not just pull and generator or a pusher trailer if you need that much range in a day? These cars will have access to the expanding supercharger network.
I would be OK with an efficient, range extender trailer IF integrated with the vehicle. But there are significant safety and efficiency issues that need to be addressed as well as emissions challenges. Bob Wilson
Even better, make it a rental unit. Rent one only if you need to get out of town. Zero ownership and maintenance on your part.
This probably would not make any sense. It would need to have significant range and be much cheaper than just renting a car. And in order for many convenient places to exist that stock these there would need to be lots of compatible cars on the road. We are decades away from that, IMO. Mike
@3PriusMike - I agree. Its bad to keep a battery fully charged all the time (well except for lead-acid) which is what the purpose of a backup battery would be. This might be a perfect application for an ultra capacitor since to store that much energy they would be big and bulky. This might be better for a AAA-type business. Get an out-of-battery call, top the ultra capacitor trailer off right before you leave then you could give enough to get them to a plug. Yep years off.