I'm about to buy a 2014 Prius C 3. I've test driven the C3 twice and it seems to be doing well in the average traffic conditions I've encountered. However, I've been wondering how this Prius does on hills/mountains given it only has 90hp. I have a pass I need to get over on a daily basis (unfortunately, it's outside the test drive distance range to test drive it), as well as a few hills with an elevation gain between 1000-3000 feet in order to get to recreational places. A drop in mpg is to be expected but how significant will the power loss be with inclines like that? Thank you for any input you can give me to make the right decision.
there have been reports of plenty of power and not enough. i suppose it depends on the hills and weather. all the best with your decision!
Before you buy, get it in writing that the dealership will perform your 'customizations' for free once you have time to.read the chapter on Customizations. Some service departments have charged money, some have refused to do them at all.
with 2 or 3 people the car has plenty of power. with 5 people it might be slightly too weak but thats not a regular trip i bet.
Hello Deschwoab, I encounter the same situation you described. Whenever I need extra power I hit the button to take the car out of ECO and it does boost power. Hope it helps. If it doesn't you might consider test driving the larger Prius Good Luck
Thank you, bisco, kingnba6, and Johnny D for your input. I shall post pictures of my soon-to-be-mine and slightly customized (tinted windows, trailer hitch, personal crap.. eh, deco)
While we are in the foothills of the smokies there are 2 steep hills on I40 ewest toward Asheville and I77 north into VA. Both are as steep as I know of on interstates I've traveled over the nation and my Prius c handles them both. NC DOT says both are maximum incline rates but the I40 is more curvy. My C easily exceeds the speed limts on both (55 westbound and 65 northbound) Just don't be afraid of the flooring the accelerator. Sure, it costs mpg but not for long. On my trips I get 48 mpg overall including those climbs. And the WV turnpike is just as easily handled, averaging 65 mph at 48 mpg too.. And if you put Hawk pads on the car, same as Yaris, there's no problem descending either, rain or shine. Does it compare to my 400 hop racer? Of course, not but then it has trouble getting 20 mpg on those same trips.