Looking for a GPS for my 2010 II, also looking for hands free Bluetooth for iPhone. Any device with both features combined exist? Thanks!
Well I mean any GPS will work in your Prius. As far as Bluetooth, again any Bluetooth will work. If your wanting Bluetooth to transmit the GPS audio, your going to need one that links to 2 phones (or connections) and has A2DP features. Mine is a plantronics m165 but there are lots.
I mean, I want a GPS unit which can also serve as a Bluetooth hands free unit with speakers, so I can receive calls hands free. I have iPhone 5 and my wife has iPhone 4
I'd never hesitate to go with Garmin. This page has a list of Bluetooth-enabled GPS models for you to choose. The nuvi 2597 is listed around $200 and looks like it does what you want -- but if your budget is higher or lower, take a look at the others on the page.
I have a Garmin. I use it on a motorcycle, and it (Zumo 600) connects to two devices. I connect it to the iPhone and to a BT dongle so I can get music/directions wirelessly. It works with the phone, but I only really use it to know someone is trying to call me. The dongle is in my suit and the mic for the remote phone is on the dongle, not the earpiece. Not sure why you're asking...or does your year Prius not come with BT for phones?
The 2010 model II did not. You could get it as a port option, otherwise you had to step up to the III to get it.
side question, what mount are you using for your Garmin on your bike? I've been wanting to have one on mine, but I've never asked anyone who's used one their recommendation. Sorry, I know it's a Prius chat, I just have to know this while we're on the topic.
The Zumo came with a motorcycle mount. Like the car mount except everything is water-resistant. Had to be hard-wired to the power system. I used a double-stick thing and a repurposed bungee cord to make a safety lanyard so if it popped out of the cradle, it'd not bounce down the highway. Unless things changed, I think all the Zumos have "contactless" connections. The cradle has metal nubs that line up with metal plates on the unit. When seated, everything is hooked up and effectively protected from water intrusion.
Agreed. Even the most expensive Garmin you can buy will still be tremendously cheaper and tons more useful/easier to use then any head unit you can buy.