Fortunately I have a good friend of mine that does the best body work around so I'll be taking it to him. Her insurance called me Friday to say they came up with a liability decision of 50/50. So I called my insurance and told them I would like to contest it. I took my car in to get an estimate done and they came up with a grand total of $5400 minus $1000 for deductible and they wrote me a check on the spot. Hopefully I can get 100% from her insurance because they will pay for me a rental car. Otherwise I am screwed. So we'll see.
Actually, the officer should have ticketed her for change lane violation. Since you were hit in the rear she had advance warning and shoukld not have chhanged lanes. The officer may have been late for donuts and coffee. Make sure your insurance agent knows she changed lanes to hit you, not the other way around. Maybe she was on her cell phone; too bad you can't use cell phone records to convict errant drivers. Condiolences.
OK is an 'at fault' state so each insurance company is on the hook for 50%. I don't know if that means each company pays for it's own driver or if both settlements are pooled then split in half. So, if you don't have rental coverage does that mean the bill can be submitted to the other insurance company and a payment for half expected? $5400 is higher than I expected. My car was less than half that for a repaired driver's door, reskinned passenger's door & the quarterpanel. Your quarterpanel though certainly took more damage than mine. The shop does make all the difference. I am very happy with Liberty Collision. The car went in Monday and came out the next Monday looking like new. Here's hoping your friend does an equally great job so you'll never know it got dinged.
Well got some good news the other day. She has been found to be 100% at fault and I will be getting my $1,000 dollar deductible back. Now to go after them to pay for me a rental car.
Great news! I wouldn't have expected that, but in this case I'm glad it worked out for you. Every now and then legal and reality merge into truth. NOW you can see if your insurance company will go after her insurance company for diminished value in addition to the rental car. It's not going to be much in a $20,000 car, but it's worth it to go after them since many people will not touch a car that's been previously wrecked. Whoever your insurance company is might be surprisingly unenthusiastic about pursuing this. See if OK has a system to arbitrate claims like this. Hope your buddy is good at matching paint! Best of Luck!
The rental shouldn't be a problem. Just send a copy of the receipt to the insurance company asking for reimbursement.
That is just a scrape. Attached is a wreck my wife had with 2013 C with less than 4k miles. Just replaced with 2014 summer rain Prius C.
My wife only suffered a cut on her head requiring 6 staples and some bruises. The car did its job. She was on a very narrow lake road and dropped the left front wheel of the pavement. This pulled her into the trees and a large drop off that were very close by. Car ended up on the drivers side. She was only going about 20 mph but may have froze and not hit the brakes or maybe hit the gas. Thank God the car was built to protect and no trees came through the windshield. No air bags were activated even though one tree hit the bumper almost dead center as you can on the cover beside the car. My Smart is behind it, wonder how it would have done?
Yeah I know everybody's wreck is worse than mine... Anyway. Got my car back last Wednesday and I'm happy with it! But man, I'm sure going to miss that Ram Truck I had. I loved it... So much quieter and refined on the inside... That Hemi mated to the 8 speed transmission... Oh well. I can't afford the gas.