Totally agree with you. I'm going to go more by HV usage than total mileage. I will probably go between 8,000 and 10,000 HV miles (depending on how much total miles the tires have endured).
I'm going to stick to the 5000 mile (8000 km) recommendation for oil changes with my Prius plug-in (mainly because they're free), but just as a point of interest... I've run many vehicles in the past 40 years, and since I started using synthetic oils, all of them have gone the full distance without apparent engine damage or burning any significant amount of oil. I've gone far past the recommended oil-change intervals, and never suffered any sort of negative effects. An engine oil is only as good as the metal-to-metal contact it prevents, and most synthetic oils are quite good at minimizing this.
so - completely not a gear head here but isn't there also an oil age issue here ? I mean I'm at 90% EV so if I waited to hit 8,000 HV miles that could mean 7 years... I agree with Greg about doing them sooner while free - although my understanding is that means 10,000 miles not 5,000 Maybe Canadian PiP suggestions are different!
My dealer recommends an oil change every 8000 kms, which personally I think is overkill, but on the plus side they will keep changing my oil for free, as long as I keep doing it. Since I plan to sell the vehicle before the warranty is up, this procedure can only help boost the resale value.
There's an excellent reason to change your oil regularly based on the usage cycle you describe. All engines develop condensation in the crankcase. This moisture can react with the oil, forming acids and is otherwise potentially destructive to the engine. Either you should change your oil regularly, based on a calendar cycle every few months, or take it out for a workout, as I do on weekends to evaporate all that moisture by bringing it up to operating temperature by driving it at highway speeds.
I put enough miles on that I've never had an issue with age, but wouldn't allow more than one year between changes, personally.
Done - I'll stick with their recommended 1 yr / 10,000 miles regardless of EV / HV % Interesting that the Volt is doing otherwise giving the x% done reading
I'm out of free oil changes. Hence the waiting a bit longer. But definitely, if you get them free, go for it.
Does your dealer's recommendation take into account that the synthetic oil used in the PiP has a longer lifetime than "normal" oil? Or is it a number that they came up with years ago and just continue using? My son had a Mercedes AMG sports car which used synthetic oil, and the dealer told us that any more often than 12K/12mo was a waste. Given the cost of service on that car, I am sure that the dealer would not have frivolously passed up the opportunity for more frequent servicing. (It was very painful for him to trade it in for a much more economical and practical Highlander Hybrid.)
I'm sure they know that synthetic oil needs changing less often, but every 8000 kms gives them a chance to sell me other services which they are sure to recommend. When it seems like a free oil change is being outweighed by a lot of unnecessary servicing, I'll stop going there. Personally, I've gone over 25,000 kms between oil changes with no apparent ill-effects, using synthetics.
70,000 miles on my PiP now. 2 yrs 4 months. 10,000 mile oil changes, and just changed the transmission fluid with Toyota WS ATF. No issues. No appearent lose of HV battery capacity. '07 prius also trouble free at 150,000 miles. 10K oil changes. 30k and 70k WS ATF transmission fluid changes, Filters and spark plugs. Still has Original brakes ! All easy DIY. Oh yeah, I did replace the "melting" hatch release button/switch. $70.00 DIY.
68,931 miles on my PiP delivered on 3-22-2012. Daily Commute = 18% EV(13,075) - & Yearly road trips = 82% HV(55,856).
More competition. I'll need it. At the recent pace I'll need 162 days to catch Bisco, assuming no one steps in the buy a much loved and well cared for PiP so it's owner can have his Model S... Takers?
picked up May 4. 2012 a little over 78000 miles 13% EV have made (4) 5000 mile RT cross country trips 40 mile RT commute 5-6 days a week also have over 120,000 on my 2010 Prius