I see that the current Entune version for Display Audio systems is version 3.2 but I have not been able to find if 3.2 is also the current version for the Premium HDD seven inch screen system in our 2012 Prius v Five with the Advanced Technology package. When I finally figured out how to check the Entune version on the HDD system last night (by pressing the Toyota logo on at the upper left of the Apps screen), I saw that our Prius HDD system has Entune version 1.4.232361. While I was looking for the version number, there was notification that an over-the-air update was available, so I replied to the prompt and allowed the update to install. The Entune version was not changed by the over-the-air update. My question is: Is the current Entune version for the Premium HDD system also version 3.2? When I posed this question to a Toyota dealer service writer a few weeks ago, all I got was a response that we should bring the Prius in so that a mechanic could look at it. I have not noticed any problems with Entune version 1.4.232361 but I am not in the Prius very often and its primary driver has never used it. I am mainly wondering if there is a version update that would give Entune additional useful features.
different system run on different Entune version. over the air updates will not update the FULL Entune system, it currently does the Apps (iHeart Radio, Pandora etc). Each App on the Entune system uses a different version number. I hope I didn't confuse you.
Thank you for your response. I sent an email to Toyota through the Entune website asking what the current Entune version is for the HDD system but have not received a response. My wife made an appointment yesterday to take her Prius v in for it's finally free service under the 2-year free maintenance program so maybe we will be able to find out then. Entune in her Prius currently works well enough for me but I want to get any free updates during the warranty period. I'm usually in the Prius only every few weeks for maybe 30 minutes when I wash/fuel it but I like to use its Pandora interface when I'm in it. I'm pretty sure that my wife has never used Entune - only the FM radio.
Toyota responded yesterday to the message I sent via the Entune website. The response said that Version 3.2 is the most recent version for the Premium HDD Entune system - apparently the same version as for the Display Audio system. We will take the email response with us to the Toyota dealer when we have the next regular service performed.
Do you have information that indicates that a version other than 3.2 is the current version for the Premium HDD system?
Well I have been following this particular post for several weeks as I was in the process of buying my first Prius. I did buy on Monday, a 2014 Prius 4, with the Premium HDD seven inch screen system. I asked the sales person if the Entune software was up to date and he assured me it was. The software version listed is the same, as in this topics first post, Entune version 1.4.232361. Now just wanting to make sure, today I called the tech support telephone number listed on the Toyota Entune web page. Bottom line is that after spending at least 45 minutes on the phone, the tech support person had NO idea what the latest software version for Premium HDD seven inch screen system was, or if my version was even the most current. I'm confused "Offline" in his post has the same version number I do, but "Zepher 7" in his post says that the premium HDD version is v3600. Does anyone know what the current version actually is? "Offline" you had a service appointment in August any news? Thank you
Yes, we had our Prius serviced last week and the dealer said that version 1.4.232361 is the most current version for the Primium HDD seven inch screen system. This is confusing since Toyota customer service said that Version 3.2 is the most recent version for the Premium HDD Entune system. I plan to follow up with Toyota customer service but it is not very important since Entune in our Prius works fine.
Offline, thank you very much, appreciate the help!! If any new info is discovered, please post. So far my system is working fine also. Again thanks!
Great questions. I have a 2012 Prius Plug In Advance with the premium 7" HDD system. My Entune system shows 1.3.232356 as the current version. I had my Prius in for service this past week. I specifically asked the service writer to ensure the technician checked the Entune system and update if necessary, thinking there was a update available. When I picked my vehicle up, the service writer stated that the system was checked and they verified I had the most current version. I questioned this again, thinking a later version was available. Are there different system software versions for the same system, varying between models (hatchback vs Prius v)? With my Prius a 2012, built May 2012, with two additional model years out, it's reasonable that updates are available. I hope dealer service didn't brush me off on this, implying they checked and my system is most current? I tried to get my system to do the online update as mentioned above, with no luck. My system works fine as is, I doubt a newer version would change much. I have no way of knowing where I can verify the most current version, and how to update. When would dealer service check and update during a service visit, especially when specifically asked to? I can live with what I have, but updated when available is best.
There may have been more but I definitely remember one over the air update of the HDD Entune since we bought our Prius v Five in August 2012. I forgot if I initiated the update or if a notification message saying an update was available appeared on the nav screen. I mainly remember that my phone was connected to our household WiFi and I waited in our garage until the update finished. I was also curious about the Grace Note database. The current version in our Prius is "03451" (2011-01-1) and it's hard to believe that there has not been an update since then. It looks to me like the first generation Entune isn't going to get much more attention and that Toyota has already "moved on" with the newer version that includes Yelp and Facebook places. As much as I like the Pandora interface in our Prius Entune, maybe that our new Sienna arrived without the promised Entune isn't so bad after all although I sure would like to have a Bing search that interfaces with the Sienna's navigation. I'm using the same "Entune emulation" technique in the Sienna that I used in the aging Lexus I sold a few months ago - here is a thread on how I do it: Entune/Enform emulation with iBOLT Dock n Drive - Club Lexus Forums
I believe, but not for sure, but pretty sure, that the update over the air when the phone is connected, is for the Entune apps only. Regarding the post above who has the same system, premium 7" HDD system with software version 1.3.232356, I'm kind of feeling that the dealer service did brush you off. The version numbers, 1.4.232361 and 1.3.232356, are consistent. Operating system updates are usually consistent , such as 1.5 then 1.8 then 2.o and so on. Remember that the Entune operating system software is what we are referring to, not the versions of the apps with-in the Entune program. From everything I have read, the Entune operating system is updated via a usb/flash drive by the dealer, for our system the Premium HDD seven inch screen system .
^ I am %100 sure that I have updated Entune firmware 3 times now over the air with my iPad on my 2012 Prius v w/ adv. Tech. Pkg. The Entune version changed all three times. I check by entering Entune Apps and touching the Toyota logo in the upper left corner (only works on 7 inch screen, HDD system) I was on Entune version 1.2.23093 and went out in garage today, got everything connected (iPad -> Entune & head unit), accessed Apps and it upgraded to Entune version 1.4.23261. No USB stick required on 7 inch HDD system. Shows how often I use the Entune apps on my Prius v. I have Entune logged onto wife's PiP Adv. to see her/our Eco score and visit the sheep. enjoy.
Entune Apps running on UIE, yes it updates over the air. Toyota Tunes in Entune | News & Analysis content from WardsAuto Entune back then refer to Apps not the Radio/Phone/Navi functions. With Radio/Phone/Navi the updates comes in a stick.