I saw some LED H11 headlight bulbs on ebay and web. Has anyone try these bulbs? I am talking the 2400 lumen type and not those cheap LED bulbs. 2014 New 40W 4800 LM CREE LED Headlight Kit Bulb 9005 9006 H8 H11 H4 H7 | eBay
1) They're certainly not DOT approved in the US. I'd hate to be you if you got in a nighttime accident running with those bulbs. 2) The Prius uses a projector/lens system and is designed to gather light from 360 deg around a standard incandescent filament. Those LED's would produce a terrible pattern and ground shadows depending on mounting orientation. 3) Their 6000k color temperature isn't street legal in the US either.
That is what I am concern about. Lots of HID or after market bulbs don't work well with projection headlight. I don't care for 6000k either, I prefer 4000k.
I have done the H11 to H9 conversion where you modify the 65w H9 halogen bulb's base to mount it in the oem H11 lowbeam position. Link is in my signature below. If you get a quality bulb from osram or Philips with a clear glass capsule, the light will be in the 4000 - 4300k range and it will appear bright white. The difference in down the road illumination with the H9 bulbs are very noticeable. Very happy with this mod. No ballasts and extra wiring to worry about. The German made Osram and Philips bulbs cost about $8 each on Amazon, half the cost of your bulbs and brighter too. Read the reviews, a lot of people using them for the H11 to H9 conversion, highly rated bulbs. SCH-I535
A friend of mine kept asking me to do this also but I am really worry about the amount of heat produced by the 65w H9 in the long run... I am currently using Philips Extreme vision + 100%
Read through the link in my signature. Someone measured temps of the H9 bulbs and they aren't much hotter than H11 bulbs. I have them in my Camry and Prius. The wires on the Camry harness is a thinner gauge than the Prius, and there have been no issues with the thinner gauge wires overheating, etc. The Osram or Philips bulbs are cheaper too at about $8 each on Amazon.
Thanks for the info. I will try the H9 when I run out all 3 sets of my Philips Extreme vision + 100%... Got all 3 sets for $45,
This chart shows a 55W H11 puts out 1250 lumens (at 12.8v +/- 150 lumens, 1350 lumens +/- 135 at 13.2v) Daniel Stern Lighting Consultancy and Supply But like xliderider says, if the light coming from that LED bulb is spilling out everywhere except where you want it, it probably isnt a very "useful" 2400 lumens