Anybody else wish that the tire pressure monitoring system told you the tire pressure in each tire? I've seen cars that show each tires actual psi. For as important as having properly inflated tires are for fuel efficiency, it would be nice to know as they are getting low and not after the fact. I'd check it every day if it was amatter of looking at the dash display. The owners manual says the low tire pressure light on the dash will light up when it senses it is at a possibly dangerously low psi. At what psi is it set off? I'm guessing the systems that tell you the individual pressure of each tire cost more. But man...
From other posts on TPMS in the Prius I recall that the light doesn't come on until the tire pressure drops more than 25% from its original set point, i.e. if it was inflated to 40 PSI and then the TPMS 'set' button was pressed the light wouldn't come on until the pressure went below 30 PSI(!). It also comes on after a while (~15 minutes(?) for my 2010, ~1 hour for my previous 2007) if it cannot read the sensor at all. I agree that it would be nice if it told you the pressure of each tire, and if when it came on it told you which tire it was. Of course then you'd have to tell it somehow which sensor was in what location, rather than just what the serial #s of the four sensors to monitor were.
sorry, my 'yes' was to the o/p, i wish the system showed tyre pressure. no idea how much stems cost, but have heard they are expensive. i check my pressure regularly and have never found a very low pressure or had the light go on. i start at 42/40 and once a month or so, they dropped a couple psi. tire sensor&_nkw=prius tire sensor&_sacat=0&_from=R40
Thanks for the ebay link! Looks like there are some options available. There was one on there that shows each tires psi on the cars monitor - but its not compatible with the 2014. I'll keep looking
Our 2013 Dodge Dart had the individual tire pressure monitor system (TPMS) on the dash info center. It was weird to watch, as it would be up and down 3-4 PSI all the time. So I would notice say the front right tire was reading 4psi low one morning, so I would pump it up 4 PSI to perfection. (Oh, these were nitrogen filled tires except what air i would add to them). The very next day, same time of morning, same outside temp, same tire would read 4 psi high. I would bet the TPMS was not real accurate, and fluctuate too much to be real. (Yes, I know heat n cold would play into this but this went well beyond that affect). So Maybe Toyota knew we would fret too much if we had a TPMS, (or complain too much it was not accurate enough),, so Toyota just went for the idiot light letting us know, its really LOW!
My C6 will display the pressure on all tires. It's fairly meaningless to know from inside the car though. I just check them at the stem every couple of weeks with an accurate gauge while they're cold. Takes about 5 minutes at the most.
If it told you which tire, you wouldn't have to check all the tires for pressure. Always a good idea anyway.