Hi gang, picked up my '07 yesterday, topped off the tank and went to work. I'm a courier and this is my rolling office. I run a slightly varying regularly scheduled route 3 to 5 nights a week, Lots of hills, some flat, of it is 'city' driving. My old car was a chevy aveo, which got 26 to 28 mpg downhill with a tailwind. I bought the prius knowing full well that I'm not going to get the 50+mpg simply because of the sheer number of highway miles I drive each night. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised to get 46.7 mpg according to the MFD. Manual calculation yielded 42.6 mpg 283 miles/6.639 gal at the pump. I'm learning P&G driving, but at least for now I'm simply going to enjoy my much more comfortable 'Silver Lining'. I'll continue to track and see if I can improve upon that baseline first trip/tank. See you on the boards, Drive safe! Ned ps. the trim rings are history...
Sounds like you are doing OK; keep it up!! Don't you just love passing up those gas stations? You will fall in love with your Prius.
Nice work! Hold onto those trim rings though. I used to prefer it without them. Now I only like it with. I got to drive a rented Aveo once. It was fun, but I was surprised how poor the fuel economy was for its size. Ah--just blew up the pics. I see now why you had to stop driving the Aveo. If you do manual fuel economy calculations, do several and average them. The fuel tank is a flexible bladder that can change capacity considerably, mostly based on temperature. Enjoy the Pri! I love my '07 and still consider it "new". I can't believe it's been 7 years.
Just got done with a good run from Syracuse NY to Harrisonburg VA... 480 miles and I averaged over 50 mpg according to the MFD . I didn't toss the rings, just pulled them off Ned
Welcome Ned. I also am a 'new' 2007 Prius owner. I have had mine for less than 3 weeks and am loving it compared to my Chrysler Pacifica. I am digging the almost 30 mpg increase. This board is a wealth of information and there is not a question I have had so far that has not been answered somewhere here. Thanks, Jeff
Ned and Jeff; welcome to Priuschat!! It's cool!! Reading PRIUSchat can help both of you!! Enjoy your ride!!
Thanks for the warm welcome es! I'm impressed that you tow that camper with your silver prius! I'm active over on the teardrops & tiny travel trailers forum: tnttt.com , and am saving up to build a lightweight teardrop to go behind my wife's '05 FEH. Ned
Thanks!! Been towing with my Prius for about a year now. Just take it slow and easy. For more info, go to: Prius pulling a RV? What do you pull !! | PriusChat
Ned, Get yourself on Fuelly for the long term, or you'll drive yourself nuts. You really can't calculate your gas mileage on one fillup, mainly because of the nature of the Prius's gas tank. One tank you'll get 50MPG, the next 44, the next 47, and so on, and so on... It has nothing to do with your driving, and everything to do with the Prius's gas tank bladder, which means your gas pump will "click" at inconsistent times during fillups... As you can see by my Fuelly signature, I'm at 47.5, which is typical of a Gen II Prius. Go ahead, click on it. You'll see my page, and the extreme variation in my calculated gas mileage from tank to tank. No individual tank is meaningful, but the average of the 4000+ miles I've driven is very meaningful. Best of luck, and welcome to the world of Prius ownership!
Jason, this my first prius that I've owned, but I drove a company 06 for over a year about 7 yrs ago. I'm more than pleased with the economy. I've done two long highway runs and averaged about 50, and 4 of my regular work trips where I average about 46-47. That's good enough for me... I don't hypermile, but the immediate benefits are plain to see where it counts. My Aveo took $35 +/- to fill up on a daily basis.. Now I'm paying out $20-$25 . Ned PS... now that I'm home, I went and signed up for Fuely. I've got all of the receipts for the past week , so I'll have data from 'day 1' on my car. Need to get the IOS app and/or set up SMS input as well. there I am 'back in the day' in my Costar 'yellow bubble'. I drove all over Syracuse and the surrounding area doing commercial real estate data research.
I tend to fill up every day for work (I'm a courier, and I Hate worrying about where to buy cheap fuel...), however on my trip back from VA I made it the entire way home without fueling up! I stopped for food and rest stops where I used to fuel up, it was such a great feeling!
Well, your posts seemed to imply your high interest in exact gas mileage, seeing as how you've now posted data on four fillups. I therefore figured it would be helpful to provide you with a tool that would deliver more precision than the [pretty much always wrong] MPG figures from individual fillups. If you prefer to just eyeball the data, that's just fine too. And I am not a hypermiler. I don't pulse and glide, I just drive. I am however highly interested in the kind of MPG I get.
very small data pool, but it will grow nearly daily. I'm averaging almost 50mpg. Turns out that my driving habits were already pretty good, as I'm not doing anything terribly different than when I drove the aveo. Last night's tank was pretty decent... 286 miles at 62.15mpg according to fuelly.com.
wow, we'd never be able to get 500 miles out of ours before the add fuel warning scares us. I think our best run before getting the add fuel ding was about 410 miles .. I don't think we've ever filled up more than 9.2gal, though, and the claim is that the tank is 11...