Hi all, I have 2014 prius and I realized a screw in rear right tire, no leaking, psi at 37, wen to firestone to have it fixed and I was told it is $20 to repair + $10 for TPMS, (tpms light is off) Why do I need TPMS? or Do I need it? I made an appoinment but haven't showed up yet, should I agree on paying for TPMS or just be bitchy ? Thanks
Got an America's/Discount Tire near you? The America's Tire near me fixes flats for free.... SCH-R530M ?
Nothing needs to be done to the TPMS......just get the wheel balanced after the repair since they remove a small amount of tire on the inside before the put the patch on.
All four tires have warranty from America's Tire but I dont have any within 10 miles, Firestore is down the street, pepboys 1/2 miles away
I'm not 100% sure about ones far away, but here, they offer free repair to any tire, purchased from anywhere. I think it's their way of promoting themselves/getting new customers. They also price match any competitor pricing. (Their store is always busy.) That said, $10 is not bad, not bad at all....
You could have plugged it yourself. Walmart sells kits for a few bucks. Otherwise, if you're not inclined, I think $10 is a very reasonable price to have someone else fix it.
So far, I've had one flat repair with TPMS, not on the Prius. Walmart fixed it for $10, no surcharge for TPMS. Normally I wouldn't go there, but we were traveling and it happened too late to reach the regular tire shops before closing time of 6 pm. But a Walmart tire shop was open until 7 pm. A Costco tire shop was open even later (8 or 8:30), but would fix only their own tires.
I noticed a low tire so I topped off the pressure and stopped by a Pep Boys on the way to work. I stepped inside and enjoyed the A/C, television and WiFi while the gentleman looked at my tire. They removed the nail and repaired the tire at no charge, which was a GREAT surprise to me!
Jut curious - when they repair a tire with a plug, don't they leave it mounted to the rim? I swear I saw them do it once on a previous car, and they may have deflated the tire, but I didn't think it needed to be taken off the rim...
Putting a plug in a tire the old way was leaving it inflated and on the car. The new way and the different type of plug requires taking the tire off the car. The service manager at a Firestone garage took me through the entire procedure and explained it to me. He was a very patient and nice guy to do that I thought.