Referring to June 6th 1944 of course! 70the anniversary today... Greatest respects for all who participated in the beginning of the end for Hitler!
The engineering behind it was incredible artificial harbor underwater pipelines landing craft the misinformation of where it would happen
One of my favorite films ever made is Saving Private Ryan, which portays the invasion of Normandy. It's a must-see in my book.
It may not have saved the World...... but it DAMN sure changed it! I think for the better! My deepest respects and gratitude to all who helped make it possible....
One jackass counter employee at the local US Post Office today told the owner of our company (who is a ret Navy Officer) that "D-Day" stands for "Dunkin' Donuts National Donut Day".... Not funny!!
Saving Private Ryan shows the worst of the landing. Some of the beaches had no defense & the soldiers just walked on. (Hitler had rather stupidly decided to move his army somewhere else.) Even if D-day had not happened, Germany would have still been defeated by Russia, because the third reich was already in retreat after making a lot of dumb decisions & going into retreat in 1943.
Good to know. Just a horrible scene, walking into a meat grinder. If every beach was like that it would raise the question: what the hell were they thinking
If it was up to Russia to defeat Germany on it's own it would have taken quite a bit longer... and there would have been many, many more German losses. The Russians were notorious for not taking German POW's... OTOH... it was brilliant strategy to use Patton (with inflatable tanks, trucks, aircraft, etc..) as a decoy on D-Day!
Sounds good to me. Russians did a nice job of repelling Napoleon 120 years earlier. They dispatched Hitler too.
This helped fool the Germans about the D-Day invasion. The Man Who Never Was - The True Story of Glyndwr Michael
Fascinating... thanks! British Intelligence was aware of and knew the names of all the German spies in England during WWII and was using a massive disinformation campaign against them too- some were even turned to be double agents against Germany. When you see all the though, planning and ingenuity (tanks that float, wooden landing craft, decoy dummies, rubber tanks, floating instant mobile harbors, the dam busters, etc...) that went into operations like Overlord and countless others, it's pretty clear the Allies had some brilliant minds on their side. Too bad today's military aren't similarly equipped with such individuals...
One of them was named Ian Fleming. He wrote a few spy books that lead to the greatest movie series ever: Officially 23 so far