I'm curious to know what the PWR mode actually does INSIDE the engine i.e. does it 'step up' the timing &/or fuel flow to the cylinders??? THANKS, J
Right. The fact when it is in PWR negates the economical settings that could be had in ECO if that makes any sense.
It'll increase the pedal sensitivity so the engine is more willing to rev up. There's a possibility that the voltage through inverter steps up to 650V vs. 500V in normal or ECO mode but it's never been documented in any Prius documents we've seen (but it has been mentioned in the CT200h documents which share the same hybrid powertrain as the Prius).
I don't remember where and when, but someone here posted a Toyota presentation on the New Gen IIIs and it showed there was a boost when the power button is used.
My wife and I have opposite tastes when it comes to cars... when she has to drive the Prius, I tell her "Push the power button right when you get in the car, then you'll be rocketing along unlike me..."