I watched The Night Of The Hunter again, for the umpteenth time, and the Reverend Harry Powell, played by Robert Mitchum, has to be about one of the top movie villains of all times. He was pure evil. The scene where he chases the children into the water is chilling. Anyone else have a movie character they feel is one of the top villains?
Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini always get the top villain prize in any movie. Close second are SS and Nazi officers.
I liked the Bond villain who was in no way Rupert Murdoch in Tomorrow Never Dies, just for how hilariously transparently he was modelled on Murdoch. Actually, Bond does good villains in general. Raoul Silva in Skyfall was especially creepy. And Hugo Drax in Moonraker was great. And, not a film.... but I've just started watching Orphan Black (no spoilers, please), and Helena is really very scary indeed. She reminds me of the one from the original Japanese version of The Ring.
Anton Sugar (Javier Bardem) in "No Country for Old Men". That scene with the poor gas station owner who is just trying to make some friendly small talk gives me the shivers just thinking about it.