I apologize if this has already been asked. I own a 2007 that came with one key, last summer my key got wet and the smart key functions stopped working. I used the metal key since then and purchased a smart key from a third party. I recently programmed it to start the car. I wanted to activate smart key functions. Is this possible if the only other key I have won't unlock or lock the doors? All the instructions I have found require that you hit lock/unlock on the master key.
Or, alternately, is there a way to repair the key that was once wetted? i have it fully open, there is no visible rust or anything
some have tried rice in a bag, some say microwave, some say hairdryer. there are many posts here about programming fobs. it's a crapshoot, all the best.
Definitely not microwave! That's guaranteed to fry any electronics, usually in a fairly spectacular fashion. It's fun to microwave CDs, though:
I found a lot of apparently good posts about it but none about if your master key isn't functioning. The key got wet months ago so I think I'm past the point where rice helps. I just want to get my other key working
You need a properly working master key for you to program a "new" key by yourself. You mentioned a third party key, if it's used, it won't work with self programming (sks functions). If you don't have a working master key, then you would need the stealer to make one by using a computer and a secret seed code. Be prepared to drop your pants and grab your ankles on this option SM-N900P ?
If the OP would state their location someone might be able to refer them an independent shop that can help. There's a few of us around the country that do smartkey reset work for a lot less than the dealer.
Autobeyours.com sells two keys and a computer for reasonable price. No need to program it just swap parts.
That is a decent option, but quite a bit of work to swap out the parts under the dash if you've never done it before.
If I were in your situation, I would buy a NEW key fob from a dealer and attempt to program it using the "chicken dance". If that doesn't work, then you need to go to the dealer as JC stated.
Isaiah54, any luck with this one? I have a similar issue my master SKS fob does not register the lock button (all others work), my second SKS capable key has all functioning buttons and is programmed for all functions except SKS. Is it impossible to program the second key if the master key has a non-functioning lock button? Any tips on how to get around this? Thanks!